Fallen Angels

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Fallen JeStEr 04-28-2007 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by W00D
Age: 20

Competitive Gaming Experience: Im CPR, CPL, CMD (prompt), CAL, and CAR ranked. I've been playing Vegas since the day it came out but my 360 broke late January and microsoft lost it so I don't think ill be getting it back till May 14th at around 7:00 pm.

Rank and Do you use in game glitches: I've got the twin towers rank, not sure what that is and no I don't use in game glitches (I use out of game ones like boosting and bridging)

Gametag: W00D thats with digits instead of alpha

and yes I am a law abiding citizen with 20 years of citizenship in the United States of America... Im not sure if that is important or not, im guessing it's not since Guyzea is in the clan

How are you representing deustchland then?

W00D 05-02-2007 10:09 PM

because i speak deutsche

The Swedish Bot 05-05-2007 08:16 PM

Swedish Bot

I'm 21 years of age, current RS:V rank is Sarge FC, been playin for about one month now.

Was hustling kids in my school for money on MK 2 back during the Genesis Era.
Done a few local tournaments of various FPS's(Halo, Unreal,Pariah,TFC, few others)
done fairly well against some 7 year olds jacked up on mountain dew.
Best braggin right I earned was ages ago on Everquest, came in 3rd in a Best of the Best tournament ( old school, yeah I know).

I don't use glitches, mostly because I dont know them, or care to learn. Long as somebody doesnt start being cheap with them, I dont mind.
Mostly looking to just have a fun time, I like to joke around a lot, but I can be serious when I need to (hopefully).

Gamertag is The Swedish Bot.

And no, I'm not Swedish.Long story.

SergeantSlotter 05-26-2007 09:38 AM

Recruits should post :

Age-16 1/2
Competitive Gaming Experience (None is needed): Heavy Machine Gun and Heavy Armor Specialist, Suppresive fire techniques, Detailed Enemy Acknowldgement, Swat Team tactics, Advance flanking techniques.
Rank and Do you use in game glitches: 1st Sergeant , no in game glitches never
Gamertag:SergeantSlotter(no spaces)

My dads is on the SWAT team and a reserve in the navy seals and he also has rainbow six vegas thats why I know all these tactics.

xIPUNCHBABYSx 06-16-2007 02:57 PM

Hey guys, im intrested in your clan haha so here goes;

Age: 16
Experience: I was never in a competetive clan before. Ive been playing vegas for a couple months now and i would say im pretty good at it. I played alot of halo and other games similar before i started playing this game all the time.

Rank: Master Sargeant, i do not glitch.


Fallen JeStEr 06-18-2007 11:39 AM

sent f/r

rotclad 06-21-2007 11:05 PM

death dealer
Age: 16

Competitive Gaming Experience (None is needed): some in a WOW guild

Rank and Do you use in game glitches: rank staff sargent(not for long) and no i dont use in game glitches.

Gamertag: F2D Deathdealer

Fallen JeStEr 06-22-2007 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by rotclad
Age: 16

Competitive Gaming Experience (None is needed): some in a WOW guild

Rank and Do you use in game glitches: rank staff sargent(not for long) and no i dont use in game glitches.

Gamertag: F2D Deathdealer

sent friend request

SergeantSlotter 06-25-2007 12:58 PM

Competitive Gaming Experience (None is needed):Flanking, Suprresion Techniques,E.T.C
Rank and Do you use in game glitches :Master Sergeant(I dont know how to glitch

XBXAXTXMXAXNX 06-29-2007 10:57 AM

I'll let jester and pooter take over the recruiting stuff until I get back fully into the team... then they can decide if they want me to do the recruiting...

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