Fallen Angels

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Citizen_Zero 01-11-2008 07:49 AM

Gamertag - Defender of 087
Age: 17
Location: U.S, OK, Tahlequah. Pacific, GMT - 08:00
Competitive Gaming Experience: Halo1-3, Gears of War, CS:S. I'm in it to win it.
I'm up for both recreation and competitive matches, i use the M14 mostly, i'm lvl 55 so far my best game is 57 kills 3 death.

I've played with some of these guys in Halo3, we should make a very nice team in CoD4. You think i was bad in H3 you should see me in CoD4, i love this game.

FrosT 01-24-2008 10:39 AM

Gamertag - FrosT e2
Age - 19
Location - Florida
Competitive Exp. - Years of RvS laddering with FA, CoD 4
Recreation/Competitive (Which are you here for) - Here for both, want to get into more competitive play though kinda get bored of killing nubs all the time

Vojnik M4 04-20-2008 09:36 PM

Gamertag---------------------------------------------------VOJNIK M4


Location-----------------------------------------------------New York/Eastern

Competitive Gaming Experience------------------------ =/ none, just got XBL 2 nights ago.


nvidia 07-19-2008 01:58 AM

Gamertag Phacewreck
Age 16
Location (Time zone): GMT -6 (east/cent texas)
Competitive Gaming Experience (If any) Played cal in 1.6 but nothing on the 360
Recreation/Competitive (Which are you here for) I'm mainly focused on competing, but I can do whatever is available.

Angel of Prayer 08-13-2008 03:22 PM

signing up
gamertag Angel of Prayer
age 16
location central time zone missouri
exp play with ANGEL clan and also NAN clan
reason COD 4 is fun and i like playing aginst people who can compete not nubes

IDoyleI 02-21-2009 04:52 PM

Gamertag: IDoyle o
Age: 18
Location (Time zone): Central
Competitive Gaming Experience: I've been in several Gamebattles Clans, all with winning records.
Recreation/Competitive: I'm competitive but I still do play for fun.

Notes: I have a 10th Prestige account but my current gamertag is a second account.

(I'm not sure if this forum is still active i saw that the last post was over a year ago for this section...)

RonJohn69 02-25-2009 06:10 PM

Location (Time zone): Eastern USA
Competitive Gaming Experience (If any): Played Cod 4 for a long time

kaizersose 04-17-2009 05:57 AM

Gamertag: Kaizersose
Age: 22
Location: Portland, OR Pacific Time Zone
Reason: Always wanted to do competitive gaming and think i would be good at it

Genesis 04-25-2009 01:33 AM

try out

Originally Posted by eighteesix / Killya
Welcome to the FA Forums. I am eighteesix--I lead this division with oTHE MESSIAHo. Your first task is as follows:

In a reply to this topic, recruits should post the following:

Location (Time zone):
Competitive Gaming Experience (If any)
Recreation/Competitive (Which are you here for)

Your next task is to contact one of us so we can see what you're made of. Our try-out process is simple and informal. We will make decisions based on your performance or based on your attitude. Good luck, and thank you for your interest in our clan.

Our gamertags are as follows:

eighteesix: eighteesix

.................................................. .................................................. .........................

gamertag- I1 Genesis 1I
age- 14
location- columbus GA
experience- i was in a clan called team virus for a while, we were okay. there were 8 of us. our final record b4 we split was 34-13. i was co-leader. im a 55 gold cross also.
i am here for more on the competitve side, but im not super-serious about it. i mean, i play my xbox for fun in my spare time. not as a "sport", but i do play about 6 to 10 hrs a week.

idroj fighter 04-29-2009 02:38 PM

Gamertag: idroj fighter
Age: 15
Location (Time zone): The Netherland (Amsterdam)
Competitive Gaming Experience (If any): COD (2,3),4 ,Halo 3 ( i played much cod 1,2,4 at the pc on cb) im now want to start on xbox.
Recreation/Competitive: competitive

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