Fallen Angels

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Disciple3 05-28-2008 07:19 PM

How is it stupid? You obviously dont play MMorpgs

eighteesix / Killya 06-01-2008 09:37 PM

played wow, i think that qualifies

Rathious 06-03-2008 12:40 PM

WoW is a "gateway" mmorpg. You need to tie off smack a vein and get into the real mmo's. This game is more involved combat wise then anyother mmo i have played to date. You actually determine where the blows land and how you want to defend yourself. defense can be as easy as stepping out of the way of an enemy attack.

The graphics are excellent and the story is well conan that in itself kinda sold me on the game. There is blood adn guts that splatter onto the screen. The last but not the least is the fact that there are tits in the game which will stop mommy buying the game for little billy.

it is worth a try if you are in a rut and want to get a taste of a newly developed game. The system requirements are pretty steep but if you have a current gaming PC (meaning you aren''t running one GB of ram and a fx5200).

the game seems to work well with my older rig and my more updated one so there you have it. This is why you should play age of conan (support FA).

eighteesix / Killya 06-04-2008 07:27 PM

ok. i played lineage2 and eve2. those qualify as mmogs. my mac pro tower would run the game fine. ati x1900xt

eighteesix / Killya 06-04-2008 07:38 PM

so is there any way i can try this for free?

eighteesix / Killya 06-05-2008 05:19 PM

went to gamestop. heard not only does the game have a lot of bugs, but its also been hacked and that the auction system had to but shut down like 3 days into the game. i sort of swore off MMOs because theyre just so time consuming. but we'll see. i need to give this game time to recover and time to develop the full raids that will come out later. i might get this in the future

Disciple3 06-08-2008 11:15 PM

I have not had a serious problem with anything in the game, people just need something to bitch about to illustrate how great WoW is. This game is already awesome and I can't imagine how much better they could make it(they're adding the catapults and guild npc's this month). as for the graphics, ive got a quad core, 8800 gtx, 4 gigs of ram, vista a soundblaster xfi along with the latest drivers and I dont even keep it maxed(cities in game crush the fps), which is my only issue with the game(other than not enough quests in the lvl 50 areas) is that it needs to be optimized as it eats up ram like no other and doesnt stop as it kept eventually crashing at 2 Gb ram=i upgraded

P.s the hackers get/got banned..... as with everywhere else

Disciple3 06-08-2008 11:16 PM

there aren't raids in this game, should revisit that other game

eighteesix / Killya 06-09-2008 04:35 AM

raids wasnt the correct term

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