Fallen Angels

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Kudos 09-20-2006 08:37 PM

hot diggety damn you reply fast.

but actually that stickman would be a funny skin. just have the locusts red stick bodys.

man i want to get a 360 but its either 360, Comp upgrades, or some extra money for when i buy a car...

KhaOZ 09-20-2006 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by Kudos
hot diggety damn you reply fast.

but actually that stickman would be a funny skin. just have the locusts red stick bodys.

man i want to get a 360 but its either 360, Comp upgrades, or some extra money for when i buy a car...

yeah, we were finishing up that File Management System, so I was like rapidly refreshing the main page to check if the new "FILES" button was lined up right, etc. In doing so I see all as they happen :)

Etern.\L 09-26-2006 09:41 AM

Ha, wow I got a pretty good responce. Well Khaoz, you do have a great point. And I do like the look of these guys, the graphic in this game fit well together. It would might a look weird if anything was changed, but I was just pointing out my opinion, I would rather see a big bad ass mother fucker with ripped ass armor running around murdering mfers, rather then a huge suit that contains a guy thats probly 5'5" and weights 100lb's. But like I said it was just a thought.

KhaOZ 09-26-2006 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by Etern.\L
Ha, wow I got a pretty good responce. Well Khaoz, you do have a great point. And I do like the look of these guys, the graphic in this game fit well together. It would might a look weird if anything was changed, but I was just pointing out my opinion, I would rather see a big bad ass mother fucker with ripped ass armor running around murdering mfers, rather then a huge suit that contains a guy thats probly 5'5" and weights 100lb's. But like I said it was just a thought.

lol, true. Judging by some of their necks though, they're thick as football players.

Chu-Fye 10-15-2006 01:00 PM

Dom for me!

xMDKxxx36Ox 10-18-2006 10:10 PM

Multiplayer skin
COG- Undecided
Locust- guy with the long coat

.Endless 10-23-2006 03:46 AM

'COG - Soldier\r\nLocust - One with the red cape thingy majigger... Yes, I just said that.'

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