Fallen Angels

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Etern.\L 09-19-2006 04:22 PM

Wow, that game looks crazy. I hope that it comes out for the pc.

Sidebar: Why the hell have they never come out with a new age spy vs spy, I loved playing that game back in the day. Black vs. White Mass Multi Online game. OMG that would be the shit....lol.

KhaOZ 09-19-2006 04:43 PM

If it ever did come to PC, it wont be for years. I'm 99.99999% sure it will never hit the PC, but if it did.

The reason is, Microsoft is paying Epic Games to create this game, and they have said many times it is Xbox 360 only.

Personally I don't mind that, cause I'd have to spend a good $1,000+ probably to get it to run on my PC, where it runs strait out of the box, no driver or hardware compatability issues, with a $300-$400 xbox 360 :)

Can't argue much with that.

})FA.cL0cK 09-20-2006 12:43 PM

Halo was supposed to be X-Box exclusive as well. GoW will find its way to another market after a year I'm sure.

KhaOZ 09-20-2006 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by })FA.cL0cK
Halo was supposed to be X-Box exclusive as well. GoW will find its way to another market after a year I'm sure.

Was 2 years after that Halo hit the PC, but if you remember, it sucked... bad, lol. Console games just don't translate to PC games to well.

In 2 years the game will be old news anyway, but if you want to wait that long to play it, go for it :)

Crook 09-27-2006 08:02 AM

INdeed this game looks awesome .... I cant even create CG renders that look this good yet ... i suck

KhaOZ 09-27-2006 04:59 PM

Few questions.

How old are you?

What App do you use for 3D?

How can I contact you?

Reason I ask is, I'm learning Maya, and it would be cool to have someone to work with on things one day and talk to about this stuff in general.

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