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would a paladin be okay with you all? I'm not sure if that's the type of melee dps or support you are thinking of.
Honestly, man, it's your character. It'd be nice to have a mix but I'm not going to stop anyone from playing what they want to play. No one else has said they're making a pally anyways so go for it :)
sounds good. that's what I will do then. Speakin of which, i'm online playing around on softcore if you care to join for a bit.
Perhaps tomorrow morning but I've been doing funeral stuff all day and I have a work party later tonight.
ah sorry to hear that. I'll be working all tomorrow, so maybe I'll just see you on the ladder reset. I'm fiddling around on a non-ladder pally. Guess I'll go fanaticism zealer for the ladder group
speaking of which, I've never done a ladder character before. Haven't really played d2 much in the past 4 years or so, so I'm not too familiar with what has been going on. Any advice for the upcoming ladder? |
well i ended up not going to work today. my account name is ledzoso, so if anyone wants to play a little non-ladder, give me a whisper.
Hey guys. I found this thread from the diablofans forum post by iceblade. I'll be playing on useast. My bnet id is prizewalnut. I normally play a necromancer, amazon, and assassin, so I'll be switching between those unless the 1.13 patch makes some other class fun for me. I'm a minimalist and hate having to sift through inventory, so if I get items my classes don't use I try to give them away.
On that note, it might be nice to have a custom chat room to use as a lobby on bnet. Makes it easier for me to unload items to real people instead of vendors. See you guys tuesday. cfg |
Yeah I was so hung over today I couldn't look at a computer screen lol.
I'm just going to wait it out 'till Tuesday. Hope to play with you guys then. Campfiregirls do you have Ventrilo? 'Cause we'll be using voicechat as our main means of communication. If not there's always ingame friends list and we will have our own channel ingame. |
Yeah, I have vent, googletalk, teamspeak, skype, whatever. I don't talk very much though:p
Hope the hangover is kicked by now, haha. I'll be playing a little today, if anyone wants to play a little non-ladder, i'll be on my paly.
account name is ledzoso. By the way, is there an exact time they are planning on doing the reset? Or is there any set time we are planning to try and get our group started? |
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