Fallen Angels

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.Endless 10-09-2006 08:20 PM

I haven't had any problems, sorry to hear that that is happening to you. Things I can recommend is standing it up vertical (helps with airflow), or buying one of those fan stands, mine works like a charm! :) Hope this helps.

CoreyvsWorld 10-10-2006 12:36 AM

I'm actually getting an intercool, i've heard some negative stuff about the fan stands.

srybouturjugular 10-10-2006 03:44 PM

me and my dad built a wooden stand
havent had any problems

what exactly is an intercool

Hermes 10-11-2006 07:19 AM

intercool is a $15 dollar (canadian) addon that plugs into the back of any 360. Has 3 fans that cools it right down, every 360 should have one imo

CoreyvsWorld 10-11-2006 01:03 PM

yeah, i've read a lot of reviews saying the fan stand doesnt hold the 360 correctly, and it wobbles around alot, I'm gonnga put it vertical and find a makeshit item to hold it off the table a few inches to keep the bottom open for ventilation. Along with the intercooler, i should have no problems.

.Endless 10-14-2006 02:34 AM

Just don't knock it over with a game in it while it is playing or bad things will happen... :p (Speaks from experience.)

srybouturjugular 10-14-2006 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by .Endless
Just don't knock it over with a game in it while it is playing or bad things will happen... :p (Speaks from experience.)

lol, ive seen what can happen to a game in that regard, lol
luckily it wasnt mine :D

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