Fallen Angels

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Torvik407 07-18-2007 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by Fallen JeStEr
Hello all new potential recruits,
I am Fallen Jester one of the leaders of the Rainbow Six Vegas Division.
The head leader is NJ Punker23, a great guy who started this division from scratch. The other leader is a guy named Vegan who is a very knowledgable in competitive gaming.

Leaders gamertags are : NJ Punker 23, Fallen Jester, Ev0luti0n IX

Our recruiter is a great guy who has been dedicated since the day he joined.
His gamertag is: DivineStrauta

Contacting Divine is the first person to contact then contact one of the leaders.

NJ Punker won't be back in action til middle May so don't contact him until then.

Recruits should post :

Competitive Gaming Experience (None is needed)
Rank and Do you use in game glitches

We tryout all recruits through a system of multiple games to see how consistent you are. Everyone has a really good game and really bad games. We just want to see how good you do overall.

Thank you for your interest in our clan.

Team survival Clan F.A.R.T.T. Looking for a sharpshooter.
Elite, And no. Know about them, but no.

Chron Aldazaar 08-30-2007 10:45 PM

Chron Aldazaar
Age: 19
Competitive Gaming Experience (None is needed): been through about 6 clans in my gaming career in the Rainbow Six Online Series, led 2 clans both of which have last apporx. 5-6 months
Rank and Do you use in game glitches: Captain and hell no
Gamertag: Chron Aldazaar

Fallen JeStEr 09-02-2007 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Chron Aldazaar
Age: 19
Competitive Gaming Experience (None is needed): been through about 6 clans in my gaming career in the Rainbow Six Online Series, led 2 clans both of which have last apporx. 5-6 months
Rank and Do you use in game glitches: Captain and hell no
Gamertag: Chron Aldazaar

Wow I will do porter's job as usually.

disturbedcyborg 09-02-2007 05:01 PM

27 male
competitive gaming: none
Rank: L.T. C.
do you use glitches: nope

porter3030 09-02-2007 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by disturbedcyborg
27 male
competitive gaming: none
Rank: L.T. C.
do you use glitches: nope

you use glitches i know.....mc pee pants always knows

freedomxhater 09-06-2007 12:56 AM

try out
i was messaged by FA s10th for a try out for you team sharpshooter clan. message me back with more details please

Fallen JeStEr 09-06-2007 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by freedomxhater
i was messaged by FA s10th for a try out for you team sharpshooter clan. message me back with more details please

cool good to hear from you. What's your gamertag?

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