Fallen Angels

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KhaOZ 08-30-2006 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by Kudos
skoobs song wasnt gay though...

Were too sexy for this Vboard shit. Im too sexy for the awp because its a bitch ass not sexy weapon.

Yeah, it was just sung by a GAY guy...

Kudos 08-30-2006 10:53 PM

KhaOZ 08-30-2006 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by Kudos
He was only gay so his song would sell. and yeah fetish/gothic is the same thing there all nasty.

You crazy? Fetish/Goth chicks are fucking hawt! Get a hot chick and dress her up in some leather, dark makeup, black hair, mmmm. Give her a whip and she can hurt me all she wants ;)

Then, judging by your taste in music, I'm guessing you're not much into the fairer sex to begin with...

Kudos 08-30-2006 11:04 PM

Leather sux where i am because it sticks to your shit...and most girls that wear blackmakeup and those baggy ass jeans with the ropes so they can get caught on trains are normally really uggly because there not pretty enough to wear normal makeup. although i do like brunettes(black hair) but not dyed to shit where there starting to bald.

MegamanEXE 08-30-2006 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by })FA.Se7n
You crazy? Fetish/Goth chicks are fucking hawt! Get a hot chick and dress her up in some leather, dark makeup, black hair, mmmm. Give her a whip and she can hurt me all she wants ;)

Then, judging by your taste in music, I'm guessing you're not much into the fairer sex to begin with...

Thats fucking disgusting. I wouldnt touch a goth chick with a 20 ft pole, let alone my dick. Girls are hot enought without looking like holloween rejects.

KhaOZ 08-30-2006 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by MegamanEXE
Thats fucking disgusting. I wouldnt touch a goth chick with a 20 ft pole, let alone my dick. Girls are hot enought without looking like holloween rejects.

Guess you'd have to get some before you could start having preferences :\

JuStLaXiN 08-30-2006 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by MegamanEXE
Girls are hot enought without looking like holloween rejects.

i bet that 90% of them dont shave.
hairy twats ftl

KhaOZ 08-30-2006 11:44 PM

LOL, shaving isn't the way to go. Waxed. Shaving makes it so on days they don't shave, it's all thick and chaves your dick. Cause as you sure know, shaving makes hair come back thicker. Now, if she's been waxing since she was a kid, chances are her hair is thin and softer when it does grow in. Waxed is the way to go :)

KhaOZ 08-31-2006 12:10 AM

Ghostex 08-31-2006 12:26 AM

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