Fallen Angels

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monkey navid 05-03-2009 07:10 PM

Gamertag: monkey navid
Age: 15
Location (Time zone): Canada, Vancouver (Pacific)
Competitive Gaming Experience (If any) None
Recreation/Competitive (Which are you here for) Competition and recreation i just like to play COD 4 a lot which is why i'm tenth prestige

DwCxLeGeNd 05-07-2009 07:31 PM

I would like to join

competitive gaming experience- cod4 halo3 gow2
competitive or recreation-competitive
rank-10th prestige lvl 50

Showierhades 05-08-2009 12:36 PM

I would like to join
Gamertag: Showierhades
Location (Time zone): CST
Competitive Gaming Experience (If any) I was a leader in a clan on a game called Tribes Aerial Assault and I have also joined a pool league on yahoo before.
Recreation/Competitive (Which are you here for) Competitive and a team player.

xO Smithy Ox 05-11-2009 02:56 AM

xO Smithyy Ox
Location (Time zone):
Competitive Gaming Experience (If any)
None really.
Recreation/Competitive (Which are you here for)

Cured Zombie 05-13-2009 04:30 PM

Gamertag: Cured Zombie
Age: 14 i act mature
Location (Time zone): Est Canada
Competitive Gaming Experience (If any): i've had cod 4 since it came out an d im prestige 6 only had live for about 3 months.
Recreation/Competitive (Which are you here for) for a real loyal Clan.

kurupted FBI 05-15-2009 03:50 PM

gamertag: kurupted FBI

age: 19
location: miami,fl
live for: 1 year
competitve exspirance : cod4 for ps3/xbox360, codwaw for wii,. mostly play all day xbox 360..

here for coompetition and team play
rank: prestige 5 lvl 10

Brady16 05-16-2009 05:07 PM

Gamertag: Brady16
Age: 19
Location (Time zone):Eastern (NY)
Competitive Gaming Experience: TWL, Game battles,been in a few clans
Recreation/Competitive (Which are you here for) Competitive

NeptusXero 05-22-2009 11:01 AM

Gamertag NeptusXero
Age 23
Location (Time zone): Idaho (MST)
Competitive Gaming Experience: GameBattles Team Ladder (Unfortunately team was not working as a unit)
Recreation/Competitive (Which are you here for) Im here for the Competition and comradery.

RatedWalshiee 05-23-2009 09:38 AM

Gamertag: RatedWalshiee
Age: 13
Location (Time zone): Europe, Britain.
Competitive Gaming Experience (If any): Been Sponsered by Game. And been in the 3rd best clan (experiance gaming)
Recreation/Competitive (Which are you here for): Competitive

Demos Legion 06-27-2009 04:27 PM

Gamertag:Demos legion6
Location:altlanta Ga eastern time zone
Competitive Gaming Experience: I ented the eb game tornoment and placed in top 20

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