Fallen Angels

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IceBlade 03-22-2010 10:28 AM

That's fine lol I don't talk much either. It's just to stay in touch and say things like join my game or can someone help me out?

Yea the hangover's gone now but I had a headache right up until I went to bed the next day lol. Terrible. I'm guessing they'll be doing the reset around the same time they're messing with the wow servers. So probably most of Tuesday morning but who knows.. maybe we'll get lucky. I'm working all today so I won't be playing. Can't wait until tomorrow though.

Khalid 03-22-2010 03:54 PM

I want in.. IceBlade, please if you don't mind.. msg me details and stuff I need to know ASAP cuz reset is coming very soon.

Napir 03-22-2010 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by Khalid
I want in.. IceBlade, please if you don't mind.. msg me details and stuff I need to know ASAP cuz reset is coming very soon.

I second that - hmm hook me up Ice give me the steps and I will follow!

Marshall 03-22-2010 07:38 PM

I'll be there.....

B.net: Nastydevil

us.east sc ladder

Khalid 03-22-2010 09:18 PM

Okay my account name on US East SC Ladder: Ajamz

I'm in Ventrilo too..

cyb 03-22-2010 10:57 PM

I might jump on and give it another go. I'll have to make a new account though.

IceBlade 03-23-2010 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by cyb
I might jump on and give it another go. I'll have to make a new account though.

Look forward to it. It'll be like old times lol. If you can stand to wait I'll be on at 10pm edt.

Campfiregirls 03-23-2010 09:30 PM

Where is everyone? :p

I'm on leveling some toons and removing the expiration timers.

I'm in channel fallen btw.


IceBlade 03-23-2010 10:59 PM

oblivion122 is my new account!

IceBlade 03-24-2010 03:43 AM

Well I'm lvl 25 and have ancients done. Bedtime for me.

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