Fallen Angels

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IceBlade 09-08-2006 06:25 PM

Thx for the serious replies, guys. I've got some ideas of what I can do now.

And Nick that was left over porn from July when my brothers and parents were at my cottage. I deleted it last week.

Kudos 09-08-2006 07:29 PM

Maybe when you were watching transporter 2 and didnt want to fuck her she got turned off.

IceBlade 09-08-2006 07:33 PM

You have a memory like an elephant! I forgot about that.

Rathious 09-08-2006 11:51 PM

Well I have faked a nut or 2 just so I could get out of the long hall. I don't really know what to tell you my wife is preganant and Well that is my work once agian I get laid not a ton but enough when you get older you will know and If you have benn together less then a year and are "madly in love" get married and then talk to me man. trust me if you are so in love this wouldn't be a problem and if it is punch yourself in the sack and call it a day man. If no sex pisses you off enough to post Imagine what her seeing this post will do. This post = no sex ever agian. trust me pushing will get you no where. Give her respect and love and you will get laid not as muxh as you want but if your girl Isn't "giving you enough" you aren't in love that is called lust. you need to face the facts.

IceBlade 09-09-2006 12:32 AM

We're already working it out and trying other things. We've been together for a year and a half.

Hermes 09-09-2006 03:45 AM

Ice it's hard to make a comment not knowing how much relationship experience u've had before. If you've been in love before or have had enough serious girlfriends there's one thing you know. Women.Are.Scandalas All in their own way, but there isn't one out there that's not.


I guess it'd be like every weekend 'cause we don't really see each other during the week

:| bad news

Ice I have to ask you this, but you have to honestly answer. Have you ever cheated on her? even if it was in teh beginning or or u were really hammered one night. I hope u feel like a horrible person if u lie :P

IceBlade 09-09-2006 05:27 AM

I would never cheat on her. And this girl is different Hermes. She's not like anyone I've ever met before. We've talked a lot in the past few days anyways to try and sort some things out.

Gooshy 09-09-2006 11:15 AM

Have you tried anal?

no0bmasta 09-09-2006 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by Hermes
Ice it's hard to make a comment not knowing how much relationship experience u've had before. If you've been in love before or have had enough serious girlfriends there's one thing you know. Women.Are.Scandalas All in their own way, but there isn't one out there that's not.


IceBlade 09-09-2006 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by Gooshy
Have you tried anal?

No I have not.

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