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Rathious 08-31-2006 08:42 AM

I agree with the part about some of them are dirty tramps but goth has nothing to do with it. Anyway i think thye are all pretty damn hot. The part about health issues and shit and cleanliness well those are generally you ghetto variety goth tramp dirty sluts that do that but any girl can be a piece of filth with the right amount of laziness.

})FA.cL0cK 08-31-2006 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by Sc0rPi0n
lol @ this concept. Take a hot ass chick, that would look good in anything, dress her up like a goth, and BAM, gothic girls are hot? Most of the girls you all listed as examples would have even looked good wearing a potatoe sack.

The reality is that 99% of gothic girls are either on drugs, suicidal, 200 pounds over weight, lesbians, anerexic, or are femi-nazis. Hell, in my experience some don't even have the initiative to take showers or properly address their health issues. Am I the only one who thought that most of the pictured girls looked ugly anyways?

True story.

And as for...


When done properly Goth chicks are fuckin hot.

By done properly, he means "in the ass".

Sc0rPi0n 08-31-2006 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by Rathious
I agree with the part about some of them are dirty tramps but goth has nothing to do with it. Anyway i think thye are all pretty damn hot. The part about health issues and shit and cleanliness well those are generally you ghetto variety goth tramp dirty sluts that do that but any girl can be a piece of filth with the right amount of laziness.

This is true, but I am being very stereotypical here, as we all are generalizing our perceptions of what a gothic chick looks like. As for differentiating trashy gothic chicks and "clean" ones, think about the type of lifestyle that is associated with being gothic. If you have money and are living a fairly happy, sheltered life, there really isn't a reason not to conform with society; where gothics are self proclaimed non-conformist's; which is why they choose to stick out. It is a lifestlye more than it is fashion, which is why I find it very hard to believe there are many hot looking gothic chicks out there who would be suitable in a relationship. The few gothic chicks who may be hot I would only go as far as a one night stand, making them seem even more trashy.

But meh, everybody has their own tastes. Maybe i've just had bad experiences

KhaOZ 08-31-2006 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by Sc0rPi0n
lol @ this concept. Take a hot ass chick, that would look good in anything, dress her up like a goth, and BAM, gothic girls are hot? Most of the girls you all listed as examples would have even looked good wearing a potatoe sack.

The reality is that 99% of gothic girls are either on drugs, suicidal, 200 pounds over weight, lesbians, anerexic, or are femi-nazis. Hell, in my experience some don't even have the initiative to take showers or properly address their health issues. Am I the only one who thought that most of the pictured girls looked ugly anyways?

I wont even go into how ignorant this statement is. Let's just say, replace goth with any other steriotype in the world, and by your way of thinking, it could fit. Think about that one why don't you.

KhaOZ 08-31-2006 07:35 PM

Preppy girls do drugs, Models do drugs, Jocks do drugs, "Gangsta" people do drugs, it's not jsut goth people. As for being dirty? The goth chicks i've been were some of the cleanest. One specificly was a bit overboard with it. It sounds almost like you're thinking of "grunge" girls, which is completely different.

But yeah, everyone has different tastes, I don't make fun of the idiots on here who post pictures of cookie cutter girls who all look the same and talk about how that manufactured image is "hot", because I know it's THEIR taste. Heh.

KhaOZ 08-31-2006 07:39 PM

Reminds me of this story though, just for you preppy lovers. This chick I used to hang out with, we worked together. She was in the Air Force, blonde, and fucking hawt as a movie star. This girl had it all. Her and I worked store room together and hung out a lot, so I'd always hear from guys how hawt they thought she was cause of this or that. She had this secret little fetish as many women do. She liked vampire clubs. She used to have me take her to these shows at what they in that local area called "Vampire Clubs", wich hard industrial type music, and generaly gothic looking people. Looking at her at work you'd think Jeniffer Anistan, but at night she was a freak.

There are tons of girls like this, and those are the ones I personaly find extremely atractive.

And for the record her and I never dated, though I had thought about it often, and we even joked about it, heh. Her and I were both in relationships when the other was single :\. Timing was never right.

Ghostex 08-31-2006 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by })FA.Se7n
Preppy girls do drugs, Models do drugs, Jocks do drugs, "Gangsta" people do drugs, it's not jsut goth people. As for being dirty? The goth chicks i've been were some of the cleanest. One specificly was a bit overboard with it. It sounds almost like you're thinking of "grunge" girls, which is completely different.

But yeah, everyone has different tastes, I don't make fun of the idiots on here who post pictures of cookie cutter girls who all look the same and talk about how that manufactured image is "hot", because I know it's THEIR taste. Heh.

Damn straight.

MegamanEXE 08-31-2006 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Sc0rPi0n
Am I the only one who thought that most of the pictured girls looked ugly anyways?

I also feel that way. I have no clue what these guys see in those girls.

Kudos 08-31-2006 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by MegamanEXE
I also feel that way. I have no clue what these guys see in those girls.

mm Kate beckinsale was hot...but shes not really gothic and yeah the girls in those pics were very un-atractive.

KhaOZ 09-01-2006 12:09 AM

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