Fallen Angels

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Gooshy 09-28-2007 11:55 AM

Post Your GamerTags!
Please post your GamerTag information if you have Halo 3.
I'll updated this section accordingly and add you to the list.
I suggest you friend all of these people on XL.

GamerTag List: (Forum Name // GamerTag)
  • Citizen_Zero // Defender of 087
  • cL0cK // Rag1ngv0lcan0
  • CoreyvsWorld // CoreyvsWorld
  • Divinestrauta // CurseDeathLink
  • Fallen JeStEr // Fallen JeStEr
  • Gooshy // GooshyFish
  • Killya // eighteesix
  • Lhurgoyf // the lhurgoyf
  • Lithium // YourRollModel
  • Minefewer // Minefewer
  • NvizioN // NvizioN
  • Porter 3030 // Porter 3030
  • Valefic // axius777
  • Vinco // Airman Steve
  • Xbatmanx 301 // xbatmanx 301

Vinco 09-28-2007 12:10 PM

of course there is fallen jester and yourrolemodel and NvizioN

eighteesix / Killya 09-28-2007 12:41 PM


when the hell did this come about? and who decided?

Vinco 09-28-2007 12:49 PM

we've been talking about it for a while. But Lhurgoyf finally made it today. So, me being bored at work, of course is going to start posting stuff. and collecting names and shizz

lhurgoyf 09-28-2007 01:30 PM

the lhurgoyf

NvizioN 09-28-2007 01:46 PM

So who's leading this division now?
If it even is an official division..

porter3030 09-28-2007 04:01 PM

porter3030 is the user name and porter 3030 is the gamertag

DivineStrauta 09-28-2007 04:34 PM

UN=Divinestrauta/ GT= CurseDeathLink

Vinco 09-28-2007 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by NvizioN
So who's leading this division now?
If it even is an official division..

We are making it official. and we need a leader. my guees would be have everyone play this weekend together and see who is A. the best player B. shows the best leadership during matches C. wants to be leader. but we dont have to make it one person. we can have like a council or something. i dunno im still new at the whole organized shit.

IceBlade 09-28-2007 05:20 PM

Vinco has the best idea there. Could play together for a bit and then put it to a vote.

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