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-   -   How are you going to play the new patch? (http://www.fallenangelsx.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5384)

Lt Venom 07-17-2009 03:51 PM

How are you going to play the new patch?
As stated in the title, how are you going to play the new patch 1.13? Softcore or Hardcore? PvM or PvP? MF or No MF? The necromancer or the amazon? I know there was a thread on Dfans.com asking what character you will be using, I'm asking how will you play that character and why.

I'm gonna go my own Poison and Bone Hybrid Necromancer, PvM with no MF. I may go Hardcore or not, depending on who will play with me. I'm doing PnB Hybrid Necro because I never made a hybrid before, and considering the Necro is my favorite character.

IceBlade 07-17-2009 03:55 PM

For starters I'll be doing what I always do. Creating a MF Light sorc on SC ladder. After I get her to level 90 or so, gear her out and accumulate a decent amount of wealth I'll create a smiter to down dclone and ubers. I think most of my time will be spent MFing though. I also want to create an enchantress so we can powerrush our members.

Lt Venom 07-17-2009 03:59 PM

Would a pure ice sorc be good to mf with?

IceBlade 07-17-2009 05:36 PM

I used to MF with a Blizz sorc before I discovered light. It's definitely doable but I found when you're starting off a cold sorc could only be used to MF certain areas and couldn't be used to do other things; at least not as well as a light sorc could with crappier gear. Like I'd be a high level but with not very good gear and when people asked for hell rushes I couldn't even make it past the Cold Immunes in the Claw Viper Temple. It's also been awhile since I've made a cold sorc though so I'm not sure on that. Definitely an awesome build though if done correctly.

Lt Venom 07-17-2009 09:00 PM

Ok, then after my PnB Necro, I'm making a pure ice sorc for mf.

cyb 07-17-2009 11:09 PM

I used to MF with a hammerdin. I'm still pained that I lost that character because I had the best gear. Would set 2 days aside a week to just do MF runs, think I killed Meph about 200 times one day. Found like 4 Gheeds charms. I had it all, but now...emptiness :cry:
Harlequins Crest
Herald of Zakarum
Heart of the Oak
Arachnid Sash
...omg... :cry: :cry: :cry:
even 2 SOJ's and Mara's, I have the screenshots on my laptop, I think I'll go look for old time's sake.

IceBlade 07-18-2009 12:22 AM

Lol. That's the hard part. Losing everything and starting over.

Magistrate 07-19-2009 06:08 PM

I think this question's answer from me depends a lot on what they implement and change with patch 1.13. They could do things which could make a lot of builds and items obsolete.

If we're just going by what we've done for the last non-content patch-with-resets, then I usually go with a Blizz Sorce, SC, Ladder, MF a ton, accumulate full Tal's, and then begin trading for a Hdin, gear him up, and then trade him for starting gear for a good Lite Sorce.

Silocibe 07-20-2009 10:19 PM

I am almost certainly going to try a martial assassin to start. Its one of the few I havent tried over the years. I foresee many Pit and Andariel runs.
Ugh no news on the patch its killin me!!

IceBlade 07-21-2009 01:07 PM

There was news yesterday about the patch! Still probably a ways away though.

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