Fallen Angels

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Coinburd 08-21-2006 06:42 AM

PVP toons
This is Froggster/Neb/kixx , I have already thrown this idea out there once before , but Im putting it in writting now. It would be great to have some dedicated pvp toons for those times when you get bored or just want to kill freeporters . I have seen that some guidles have already made some and thats great. I think we should maybe even consider capping thier levels at a ceritan point. If anyone was considering making a strictly pvp toon, I could help power level them and also for the past few days I have been harvesting like crazy and I am finding a bunch of T3 rares. With our current crafters we would have the ability to outfit these low toons with the best armor and weapons out there. But it has come to where I have to know for sure if anyone else is intrested in this idea cause I dont want to keep harvsting for T3 rares if no one is going to use them.

Also these toons would be great to help new guildies level up. This brings up another issue. I see that we have some high level guild members ( 50up) I think there are also many guildies who are close to that range also. I feel that we should encourage those guild mates that are higher in level to try to group up with those toons that are almost in that range so that we, in time get even more higher level charcters. This could only benfit the guild and its level. It would be great to be able to raid with a bunch of high levels espically since a whole bunch of high level Q toons have exiled and are a constant threat. So if those few high toons could take some time and help out fellow guildies, our 50+ members could double in a short period of time. That would mean more stats for the guild, a higher guild level and maybe even more of a chance to not get ganked so easily. Also I have been drinking so please forgive any grammer errors and whatnot.

Rathious 08-21-2006 07:51 AM

Sounds good coinburd I will prolly cap out a couple toons what we need to do is get together and figure out the lvl to cap them at i have a bunch of toons coming up and my main is damn near 62 only 2% till ding. my illusionist is lvl 33 or 34 right now but i think i want to grow him up but he might be a good on to lock in since he is a mez machine. when you read this get back to me in a post or on TS man and we will see where everyone wants to lock xp at. sorry for the run on sentences put periods in or breathe when needed.:D

Rathious 08-23-2006 12:43 PM

Need to know what lvl ppl what to cap at so we can do PvP raids and what not some are saying around 20-25 is a good spot to cap just some ideas would be great so we can get thios going on also.

Coinburd 08-27-2006 01:20 PM

Well alot of people I talked to says that the best time would be after you get your master 2 at 24 , with me it was 25 cause I got my evac which is the most valuable during pvp. We could cap it at thirty but I think that would just take a while. I wanted to cap mine at 28 cuz my ranger would be able to use the Stormfire bow which would be a great improvment from my bow. But ethier way I am good.

Rathious 08-27-2006 01:24 PM

well lvl 24-30 would work man they are within 6 lvls so we could still group that is what i was thinking. so we will have to see what other ppl say but that sounds good to me.

Zackizle 08-27-2006 03:54 PM

Well since rathious has threatened me with my life, that i have to play eq2 or die, i guess i will. I shiver when i hear stories of rath and his wife ganking lowbies in the low lvl suburbs of town.
Anyways, im gonna be mostly pvp, so ill make a char, and rath will lvl me cuz he promised and 25-30 doesnt sound to unreasnalbe so i would love to.

Rathious 08-29-2006 12:14 AM

I did say i would help you lvl the threaten your life thing was your own creation but anyway man jump on eq2 on the vox servre and we will game man.

Lazyfury 09-01-2006 11:14 AM

Did we ever figure out a lvl to cap at... I was thinking 32 might be the best... I know it's a little higher, but we'd get the next tier armor.

I figure if we lock down at 28, people 4 lvls higher would have much better armor, versus if we lock down at 32, people would have to be 10 lvls higher to have better armor...

I know this would mean having to PVP someplace other then just ANT and CL, but that might be more fun anyways:)

Hope you guys are doing well,


Rathious 09-01-2006 05:27 PM

I was thinking around the same thing. Cause if we PvPed in Ts or better yet nek cause of the spawn we would be in the 10 lvl range plus we would have the same armor for the most part in battles. As for PvP in ant we would have the same armor so I am thinking this would be the good range to cap at this is just me need more feedback.

Lurgid 09-05-2006 04:41 PM

Supernova 10-31-2006 10:55 AM

im starting a new character in pvp today so this sounds good to me i would love to

Rathious 10-31-2006 12:56 PM

Cool man we use teamspeak to when you get in game pressu on the keyboard and look for a Queens Guard recruiter we will get you all set-up

kendian 10-31-2006 05:29 PM

Well i got a uber beserker im gonna lock at 25

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