Fallen Angels

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XBXAXTXMXAXNX 09-19-2007 07:11 PM

Messiah mentioned a practice calendar... is there gonna be one? Not many people seem to be on, brando doesn't have a mic, and I don't see many people on a lot... eighteesix is on every night, same with gundevil...

NvizioN 09-20-2007 12:27 AM

I usually get on every night.
I try to invite you to cod games but you're busy with madden or something?

XBXAXTXMXAXNX 09-20-2007 06:51 AM

that was just yesterday, sorry, my headset needed charging and the bears needed whoopin'

NvizioN 09-20-2007 11:51 AM

Fair enough.
I was probably playing Ninja Turtles cause no one else was on.

XBXAXTXMXAXNX 09-20-2007 12:25 PM

lol, that game is so short...

Commander JC 09-20-2007 12:42 PM

i would but i am on GMT an not on the roster yet...

NvizioN 09-20-2007 01:49 PM

You don't have to be on the roster to play with us..
I'm not on the roster yet.
Or at least last time I checked.

XBXAXTXMXAXNX 09-20-2007 02:46 PM

On the roster for what? JC isn't on the gb ladder because nobody has played with him, and he can't connect to my parties and I can't connect to his. Nvision is on the GB roster and I'm pretty sure he's on the one messiah listed as well. If you haven't add Porter 3030 because he just joined the div after his "360 am broke :/" and can't read disks... he's gonna send back his xbox in a week or two but said he might get the game... partly because he's in the division.

eighteesix / Killya 09-20-2007 07:15 PM

there isn't room for any more players on the gamebattles roster at the moment. JC you are in the division though. you can still become a member of the team. just gotta play with us first.

NvizioN 09-21-2007 12:22 AM

I just wanna have a game with the whole team.
I haven't met many other people on the team.

XBXAXTXMXAXNX 09-21-2007 06:52 AM

Well messiah hasn't been on on a couple of days (4 I think) I haven't played with drunken snyder, deadxsilence is usually on ncaa... I played with eighteesix gundevil x and Porter 3030 and Dutchmaster151 (dutch isn't on much, but he is when he can and he's real good)
I made the "schedule" post because I'm gonna step up make a calendar, make cuts, and get this team playing together.

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