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Post Your GamerTags!
Please post your GamerTag information if you have Halo 3.
I'll updated this section accordingly and add you to the list. I suggest you friend all of these people on XL. GamerTag List: (Forum Name // GamerTag)
of course there is fallen jester and yourrolemodel and NvizioN
when the hell did this come about? and who decided? |
we've been talking about it for a while. But Lhurgoyf finally made it today. So, me being bored at work, of course is going to start posting stuff. and collecting names and shizz
the lhurgoyf
So who's leading this division now? If it even is an official division.. |
porter3030 is the user name and porter 3030 is the gamertag
UN=Divinestrauta/ GT= CurseDeathLink
We are making it official. and we need a leader. my guees would be have everyone play this weekend together and see who is A. the best player B. shows the best leadership during matches C. wants to be leader. but we dont have to make it one person. we can have like a council or something. i dunno im still new at the whole organized shit. |
Vinco has the best idea there. Could play together for a bit and then put it to a vote.
I'm leaving tomorrow until Sunday.. so I will not be there for this match of matches.
where ya going? no worries, im not saying we r gunna declare a leader right away. lets just get used to the game and get some practice in. id hate for sum1 who's been playing since the release ::cough:: me ::cough:: play against sum1 who just got the game who might have excellent leadership skills. it would seem kindof unfair. thats why we play together and get a feel for everything until we can pronounce a leader with confidence lol god this sounds so gay. and im not making a crown for the division leader. jester or sum1 can do it :-)
I have yet to play online.. this whole xbox live thing is kinda new to me.
quit playing so much wow :-D jk no worries man. its fairly simple to figure out. did u ever play halo 2?? sorta the same. looks totally different, but same basic idea
Yeah I've played the first two, just never had a 360 before.
its not hard to apapt. ull have fun
I think I was mentioned somewhere, YourRollModel is my gamertag. I'll add everybodys name in the thread.
I think the match making system is gay.... which is why I will most likely not be playing multi much
Leak, if you're the team leader of your local team you wanted to get signed up, then I see no reason you shouldn't be a Warlord, and get that team running.
I got the whole team signed up on gamebattles, and I've called/texted all of them about signing up on here, and we're lanning again tonight, so I'll probably just end up signing them up myself. Haha. |
Is this list just for the sake of putting our gt's together?
or is this the team? |
add me to the list minefewer
are you guys doing a custom game tonight? and if so what time and put in the time zone.
I will be online and will do a halo custom game. I am eastern time by the way. |
Well we definetly need to play together and whoever ends up leading should be holding the tryouts etc etc to see who should be in the clan in this division if that's something they want to do. |
If I'm heading the division, like KhAoZ suggested, we won't need too many more players.
But I'll be down for a custom game to check everyone out anyway. I just need to hear the final response from KhAoZ to see what's goin on with the team/division. |
my gamertag is CoreyvsWorld, everyone add me.
what's the site to sign up for shit?
Do you guys just LAN play? and what is gamebattles? and wtf did Bungie do getting rid of Clans. |
GameBattles is the league.
We don't just LAN. But we usually LAN when we get serious about a game/match. |
so how does GB work? do we just sign up online and then play against ppl?
You register a team, click schedule match.
Then when the time comes, you play the match you set up. You have to find a team, and all players have to be eligible before you can do that. |
kool so is that how we r gunna be doing it from now on? if that's the case, sign me up :-)
Well, first you go to the website yourself and sign up for an account.
Then after that, you'll need to find a team for the game you'll be playing. |
ooo Halo 3 aye?
NJPunker23// NJPunker23 |
what part of jersey u from?
I am from....
I am from Hunterdon County NJ, but im currently in morris county at FDU. |
kool. i grew up in ewing for like 18 yrs hen joined the military
I are batman...
xbatmanx 301 ... I'm using my 48 hours thing to make a gamertag called Dodge Caravan... if anyone wants to support it, message me via xbl with the code! |
Valefic's gamertag: axius777:AR15firing:
All times are GMT -4. The time now is 08:19 PM. |
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