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IceBlade 09-08-2006 12:23 AM

I Need a Cure
For horniness. I'm so fucking horny all the time and I don't want to be anymore 'cause my gf hasn't been in the "mood" recently. I don't want to jerk off either. What I really want to do is just not have sex and be like "Yeah sorry I'm not in the mood." And throw that in her face. But everytime I'm near her I just want to rip off her clothes and fuck her. What do I do lol this is really getting out of control. I'm extremely horny all the time. Yesturday there were these school girls in the short little skimpy skirts and their near seethrough white tops. The perfect school girl uniform. It was truly amazing lol. But yeah so like if I just don't jerk off or have sex for like a month will these cravings lesson? Anyone? Gooshy?

Gooshy 09-08-2006 12:33 AM

Some medications reduce your urge for sexual play. If you don't masturbate or have sex for a month and you do, you'll blow a load bigger than Shamoo. If you want my advice.. masturbate. Try a fleshlight. They are great.

Rathious 09-08-2006 12:42 AM

Lol um find another girlfriend have 2 of them you are young shit get 3 if you really need to lol. It is when you are married you have to stick with one girl. Unless you are in love or something silly but I think you are still in high school right ? I would um not tie myself to one thing if I wasn't married unless you really think she is the one. or like gooshy said spank the little fella silly lol.

Kudos 09-08-2006 12:46 AM

Pop a few roofies in her drink?

Rathious 09-08-2006 12:51 AM

lol that is all

Hermes 09-08-2006 02:19 AM

That's just being a guy dude


Get some booty friends man, honestly if a girl isn't putting out enough thats bound to happen

IceBlade 09-08-2006 08:42 AM

I'm in college and I love her lol. FUCK!

Spin 09-08-2006 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by IceBlade
I'm in college and I love her lol. FUCK!

stupid...lol...never fall in love in college wtf is wrong with you.

Ghostex 09-08-2006 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by Gooshy
... Try a fleshlight. They are great.

Funniest things ever.

})FA.cL0cK 09-08-2006 11:50 AM

Your girl is probably out getting her sexual needs fulfilled elsewhere if she is "never in the mood" during the first few weeks of college.

Gooshy 09-08-2006 12:02 PM

Ice, you're not in love you retard.

HAte 09-08-2006 12:14 PM

What ever happened to talking? maybe you got a little to physical in the first place so that every time you see her all you want is sex. your emotional psyke has to be fulfilled to. its possible that she has been thinking that you guys have been having to much sex and its bad for the relasionship, so shes slowing it down so there is more room for communication. it could just be a test to see if you would cheat on her. the best thing you can do is to talk to her about it.

Napir 09-08-2006 12:38 PM

Ice i think you now Cat longer then 1 year now right,i can tell u 1 thing i have now more then 6 years with my Gf and if she want sex i tell here negative this soldier need sleep.
My point is when u know youre girl from inside out the sex feelings go away to here ,so maybe Cat is a little bit bored and that she knows you to good or i second that other post she is cheating on you.
My advise try to take a lot of girls now over 10 years its to late then u think man alway's the same girl :(

IceBlade 09-08-2006 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by HAte
What ever happened to talking? maybe you got a little to physical in the first place so that every time you see her all you want is sex. your emotional psyke has to be fulfilled to. its possible that she has been thinking that you guys have been having to much sex and its bad for the relasionship, so shes slowing it down so there is more room for communication. it could just be a test to see if you would cheat on her. the best thing you can do is to talk to her about it.

We did alot of talking the first six months of being together. That's also how long we waited to have sex. And we don't have sex often. We never have. I'm positive it's something psychological. She's a very nervous person who's stressed out about everythign. We can't do anything if someone else is even in teh same house and 'might' walk in. And she isn't cheating on me. I'm all she has.

Zackizle 09-08-2006 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by IceBlade
We did alot of talking the first six months of being together. That's also how long we waited to have sex. And we don't have sex often. We never have. I'm positive it's something psychological. She's a very nervous person who's stressed out about everythign. We can't do anything if someone else is even in teh same house and 'might' walk in. And she isn't cheating on me. I'm all she has.

ice shes getting some from some other dude.
/quit her and move on.
I told u she was a guy on vent, shoulda belived me.

JoeDodgy 09-08-2006 01:16 PM

she is pregnant and doesnt know how to tell you

IceBlade 09-08-2006 01:51 PM

I very much doubt that lol. And Zack. She's not cheating on me. We're madly in love with each other. Believe me she has nothing but me. She's absolutely obsessed with me. But I mean who wouldn't be!

Rathious 09-08-2006 01:59 PM

Well if you are madly in love then sex is a prize you see. I am married and believe you me if you get sex 2-3 times a month that was a good month lol. anyway dood if you are in love then just be in love you will get bootie when it is rationed. Just make sure you are ready. or do things that make her all horny they like candles and spending time with you get some flowers and make some dinner then tell me what happens. Make it a light dinner so she doesn't get sleepy on you. lol gl man hope it works out. BTW plz specify how many times a month so as we know if this is a real drought or just you lol.

IceBlade 09-08-2006 02:43 PM

Well we're young. To me that means having sex twice a day! Lol no but seriously it's been two weeks! It's different all the time. We've had sex like four times in a day. Usually I guess it'd be like every weekend 'cause we don't really see each other during the week. On the weekends I usual go and sleep over at her place and that's basically our only opportunity. But these last couple of weekends have been sex free. And before that it was the same thing. So like I'd have to say we have sex a few times every couple of weeks lol.

})FA.cL0cK 09-08-2006 04:12 PM

You're bruising her shit and she needs time to heal up.



What ever happened to talking?

Homoquote of the year.

Etern.\L 09-08-2006 04:19 PM


Sounds like you have alot of different prospectives. But here is my take. If you go ahead and stroke it out all the time, its not going to get the job done, it will only temporarily make things easier. But once you get near your lady, pop goes the weasel, and it will also make your next sexual encounter horrible. Honestly though, I think that your girlfriend is just a women that is not interested in sex very much, yes this is possible, for those of you who are in denial. You are going to have to make decisions, you have endless options.

1.) Talk to her, you can try and find out a way that you can get what you need while respecting her needs. If you guys love each other that much then this should be no problem at all, she will want to make you happy, and you should want to make her happy aswell. If there are communication problems then this will not work, and you can view this as a good indication that something is wrong with the relationship, and maybe you need to find out what it is before trying to stick you dick in something. Needs, in a relationship are a two way street, if you are going out of your way to fulfill her needs in hopes that she will return the favor, there is something wrong. She should want to please you, if she does not see that you have needs aswell, then you might want to start considering whether you can live in this type of situation, chances are that this will be the kind of treatment that you can expect in the long term. In most cases you will find that there are temporary periods of time where things might change, due to an argument, or a discution, but in most instances things always go back to the way they were. The reason being for this is people dont change who they are, you can change things you do, but at some point who you are is who you are going to be. Not to mention that if you find that you are denying yourself things that you need, or making sacrifices that are in controversy with who you are, then you are not only lying to yourself you are lying to her aswell, you are leading her to believe that you are something that you are not, and this will eventually come to the surface and cause major problems in the relationship.

2.) You could try and take the responsibility on yourself, and suck it up. If you really are head over heals for this girl and you dont want to rock the boat. Maybe you should look in your area for sex-aholics meetings, dont laugh. If you do have a problem that is phycological, the only way that you are going overcome it is if actively seek help, and support. You may be able to better understand and gain better prospective at the entire situation this way aswell. I would like to point out that this is something that you need to consider carefully, there are alot of girls out there that would love to be with a guy who want to fuck all day long, because if you are choosing to take this road, you have to be committed to it or it will not work. You might want to see if you GF would like to come to some of the meetings with you, so maybe she can understand what is going on with you aswell, this will get her involved in the solution, I mean lets face it this is not just your problem it a problem for the both of you, and if this is not how its viewed or treated you might want to re-evlaluate your GF's intentions and commitment to your relationship.

3.) You might want to consider self gratification. I know its not the same kind of interaction that you get when you are with women. But you might be able to take care of the sexual urges in the heat of the moment. I do not recommend this course of action, as I dont think that this will solve the situation, you need a more long term solution. Now with that said, you could try lotions, mentholated creams, toys, videos, etc....us your fucking imagination. Just dont become that weird pervert guy...ok.

4.) Leave that prude bitch and go get you some fucking hard core pussy. Go out and fuck the shit out of some young freshmen that can suck the chrome off a trailer-hich. Make sure that you protect you dick with a body bag and have a great time.

5.) Maybe your girlfriend would be willing to have an open relationship, or at least be willing to have group sex, so that you can share in the pleasures together. This will not only bring your relationship to a higher level of comfort and commitment, if successful, it will allow you to express yourself the way you need to.

6.) Now this is a scenario that no one have even touched on. Have you ever considered that your girlfriend is not being satisfied with your sexual performance. Really, maybe the reason she does not want to have sex with you is because it is not rewarding for her. This may not even be your fault, there are a large number of women who find it extremely hard to reach a climax. Either way this can be remedied with honest, and mature conversation. If you are having problems satisfying her, there are alot of options that you have to fulfill her needs and give her the "O" face, and I am sure that you can be creative with toys, scenarios, and other type of stimulus. Try choking one out one time and see how she likes it, try slapping you balls in her face and cuming in her eyes.

Like I mentioned before you have endless options, but in the end I would have to say the you just need to make sure that you are getting what you want out of the relationship, because you come first. I have always believed that love is when you put someone elses needs above your own, and inturn you should be treated the same. And if you love her, and she loves you, there is no dought that you two will be able to work things out. But if this is not the case, you must be willing to make the right decision's not only for your happiness but for hers aswell.

Spin 09-08-2006 04:25 PM

OMG Dr. Phil is a member of FA...lol

Napir 09-08-2006 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Spin
OMG Dr. Phil is a member of FA...lol

LMAO i need a cure to I hate my work im depressed all the time

KEVIN1327FA 09-08-2006 04:48 PM

Ice, I heard turning gay can help.

KhaOZ 09-08-2006 05:12 PM










Napir 09-08-2006 05:20 PM

lmao :) :) :)

Spin 09-08-2006 05:23 PM

ROFLMAO...thats great

Poncho 09-08-2006 05:43 PM

Wil found the porn you were looking at a few nights ago, found it in the recycling bin. He says it wasnt his, and luke hasnt been on the computer in 3 weeks so it had to have been you. Then..... to prove it he said it was made at 2:34 or 3:46 or some shit. the only time your home from work. I just found it kind of ironic.

Sc0rPi0n 09-08-2006 05:54 PM

You are right Ice, it is psychological. Maybe you have gotten too comftorable with her and she isn't getting turned on. It is simple, find a way to turn her on again, women want sex just as much as us guys, the problem is that it doesn't just occur for them. If she isn't in the mood, get her in the mood. If that isn't the case, the only thing I can think of is that maybe she is pregnant?

KhaOZ 09-08-2006 06:08 PM

Heh, honestly, it's probably not as bad as you're making it out to be. You probably want it 3 times a day, and she only wants it 2 times. As for women not being as horney as men, i've been with women who wanted much more than I have, and even had to fake orgazms just to get them to leave me alone sometimes(this is not bullshit, I am very seirous).

The thing is, you can't classify it by men or women, that's too general, people are different.

What I would say to try, is making it special each and every time. Get quickies out of your head. Think that if you're going to do it, you're going the whole 9 yards. Dinner, compliments, forplay, then sex. If you really want to wig her out though, do everything I just said, but stop at the forplay and just cuddle for the night. The way you do that is, you get yourself worked up with her to the point that it'd take you 30 seconds pretty much to jerk off, go in the bathroom and handle it real fast, go back out and claim you just want to be with her. You'll be all relaxed cause you just took care of yourself in the bathroom, so you'll easily just cuddle.

Now she'll take this quite well, and it can only do good for your relationship. Sometimes people just want to feel like they are wanted as a person, and not as a vagina or a dick.

Just try that. Think that every time you're going to get it on, it's going to be for the whole 9. This will help to train yourself to stop thinking you could bend her over that counter top she's making that sandwich on, and doggy style it and be done in time for some AA matches, lol.

Seriously though, just slowing shit down and taking it to a different level that includes sex.

IceBlade 09-08-2006 06:25 PM

Thx for the serious replies, guys. I've got some ideas of what I can do now.

And Nick that was left over porn from July when my brothers and parents were at my cottage. I deleted it last week.

Kudos 09-08-2006 07:29 PM

Maybe when you were watching transporter 2 and didnt want to fuck her she got turned off.

IceBlade 09-08-2006 07:33 PM

You have a memory like an elephant! I forgot about that.

Rathious 09-08-2006 11:51 PM

Well I have faked a nut or 2 just so I could get out of the long hall. I don't really know what to tell you my wife is preganant and Well that is my work once agian I get laid not a ton but enough when you get older you will know and If you have benn together less then a year and are "madly in love" get married and then talk to me man. trust me if you are so in love this wouldn't be a problem and if it is punch yourself in the sack and call it a day man. If no sex pisses you off enough to post Imagine what her seeing this post will do. This post = no sex ever agian. trust me pushing will get you no where. Give her respect and love and you will get laid not as muxh as you want but if your girl Isn't "giving you enough" you aren't in love that is called lust. you need to face the facts.

IceBlade 09-09-2006 12:32 AM

We're already working it out and trying other things. We've been together for a year and a half.

Hermes 09-09-2006 03:45 AM

Ice it's hard to make a comment not knowing how much relationship experience u've had before. If you've been in love before or have had enough serious girlfriends there's one thing you know. Women.Are.Scandalas All in their own way, but there isn't one out there that's not.


I guess it'd be like every weekend 'cause we don't really see each other during the week

:| bad news

Ice I have to ask you this, but you have to honestly answer. Have you ever cheated on her? even if it was in teh beginning or or u were really hammered one night. I hope u feel like a horrible person if u lie :P

IceBlade 09-09-2006 05:27 AM

I would never cheat on her. And this girl is different Hermes. She's not like anyone I've ever met before. We've talked a lot in the past few days anyways to try and sort some things out.

Gooshy 09-09-2006 11:15 AM

Have you tried anal?

no0bmasta 09-09-2006 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by Hermes
Ice it's hard to make a comment not knowing how much relationship experience u've had before. If you've been in love before or have had enough serious girlfriends there's one thing you know. Women.Are.Scandalas All in their own way, but there isn't one out there that's not.


IceBlade 09-09-2006 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by Gooshy
Have you tried anal?

No I have not.

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