Fallen Angels

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-   -   Does anyone play CoD 4 for the PC? (http://www.fallenangelsx.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4142)

MaVeRiCk 01-04-2008 11:43 AM

Does anyone play CoD 4 for the PC?

I'm probably going to buy it for the PC, but from what I've read the community on the PC is much smaller and the game a little less streamlined as far as ranks go (Basically it stores ranks locally so you can essentially mod a file and get w/e rank you want)...A little stupid considering how simple it would have been to setup a rank server but oh well.

I just find myself more interested in PC shooting, all the 360 shooters I've played on live have been great for awhile but have never offered me the same replay and lifespan that less impressive PC shooters have.

MaVeRiCk 01-05-2008 04:15 PM

Very helpful.

Kudos 01-05-2008 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by Vinco
PC FTL lol XBL FTW lawl

yeah this is why i hate x-box live...

I play it at my cousins whenever i go there, i dont really see the rank thing as much of a problem though because i play it for the fun of it not because of my rankings. Also the community is much better for pc games, not as many four year olds. umm, i hope this kind of helped not really sure what you were asking.

MaVeRiCk 01-06-2008 06:20 PM

Yea Kudos that pretty much hit the head on the nail for me. I am looking to play CoD 4 for fun, and the ranks are pretty moot point because I would like to eventually play competitively. I was really wanting to see if any FA actually played it on the PC since thats the platform I'm going to be buying on here in a few days.

MegamanEXE 01-06-2008 06:37 PM

They keep proving why I will never join any of the Xbox live divisions here, its a bunch of 12 year old idiots that mommy and daddy bought a big man console!


MegamanEXE 01-10-2008 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by Vinco
wait? whos the 12 yr old?


Originally Posted by Vinco
PC FTL lol XBL FTW lawl

Apparently, you are.

FrosT 01-24-2008 05:29 PM

mega, you've grown some nuts since last time I've been on the forums.

Vinco 01-24-2008 10:57 PM

yeah, everybody has a pair of balls online. But if i saw any of these guys IRL, they wouldnt say have the shit they do. and apparently, ppl dont know how to take a joke.

MegamanEXE 01-25-2008 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by FrosT
mega, you've grown some nuts since last time I've been on the forums.

Its been a long time since I first joined (June, 2002). I am a sophomore in college now.

FrosT 01-25-2008 10:51 PM

true true, i didn't mean it in a bad way just pointing out the obvious lol

Citizen_Zero 01-26-2008 02:11 PM

No one ever talks in CoD4 on XBL, the ones that do talk are in a party so there just talking about there/random stuff. Every once in awhile i well find someone to chat around with but not that often.

Btw do any PC games support a party system?

I'm a talkative one when someone is willing to communicate.

XBXAXTXMXAXNX 02-05-2008 09:06 AM

Well I kinda gave up on this xbl division because messiah took the aircraft controls and dived right into the ground. I'm running with the couch commandos, it's not competitive, but it's a hell of a lot of fun... as far as the PC vs XB360, I like pc, I'm just more used to the controller... also, paying $400 out of my pocket vs $~1k for gaming... hands down. Also because I just like gaming systems better for gaming and computers for... computing...

N0de 03-02-2008 02:18 PM

I've rented it for the 360 and am debating on what I will buy it for. I suck bad with a game pad but then again im not too bad at the 360 version I wonder how bad ill be at the pc version. My pc isn't all that great and needs an upgrade. The game will look great on the xbox no matter what so thats a + on the 360 side. Then theres the kb/mouse thing that really gets me because its a great game. I also know more people that will play on the console over pc.

The game feels like a really pretty AA. I like it a lot more than halo but the 12yo factor on live is annoying at best. It is better than the halo community.

Im still deciding because I have a chance to get a core 2 extreme 2.6/mobo/4gb ram for $500 vs the p4 3.4 and 2gb ram I have now. That should make it all pretty and I wouldn't have to buy a ps3 to play ut3. decisions... decisions...

edit: Im not big on the ranks but then again I played AA so it really doesnt bother me.

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