Fallen Angels

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KhaOZ 09-16-2006 02:12 PM

Who Will You Be?

che 09-16-2006 07:59 PM

I'd definitely go with the human soldier. He looks kickass.

})FA.cL0cK 09-20-2006 12:41 PM

In every game I play I usually stick to humans, but who knows.

KhaOZ 09-20-2006 02:47 PM

Well, in this game you can't always be human. I'm pretty sure it's random which team gets stuck on Humand and which is Locust per match. So you'll probably pick a Human skin and a Locust skin that will be used depending on which side you're on. Games are always Locust vs Humans though, so you can't mix humans and locusts into one team, which means sometimes we'll be one or the other.

Etern.\L 09-20-2006 05:53 PM

I have a question, why the hell do they always make the suits all huge and heavy looking. I dont know about you but I would not want to have all that shit covering me, I would want something small and agile. And don't give me the whole armor, argument, because with that kind of technology I dont think that it would be to hard to make armor that was durable and light, its fiction, you can do whatever you want. Make the guys bigger, beefier, not there suits.

Please do not flame this relpy, I am just making an observation. What do you think?

Kudos 09-20-2006 06:22 PM

Its actually aluminum...offers no protection but its nice and light.

KhaOZ 09-20-2006 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by Etern.\L
I have a question, why the hell do they always make the suits all huge and heavy looking. I dont know about you but I would not want to have all that shit covering me, I would want something small and agile. And don't give me the whole armor, argument, because with that kind of technology I dont think that it would be to hard to make armor that was durable and light, its fiction, you can do whatever you want. Make the guys bigger, beefier, not there suits.

Please do not flame this relpy, I am just making an observation. What do you think?

My guess is cause they look cooler? LOL. Who wants to be some lilly little skinny guy when you can be this big bad ass mother fucker? They have a very "Space Marine" look to them, just without the helmets that the Space Marines sport.

The look of these characters was one major thing that drew my attention to this game. Don't know why, I just REALLY like how it looks.

Theoreticly though, you'd assume it's there to help stop bullets. It takes like 20 bullets to drop these guys. They're armored out like those guys who held up that bank in LA, and walked out shooting. Sure you can say "with that technology, blah blah", but this doesn't seem to be that far in the future. And why couldn't there be technology advances in bullets as well maybe? Requiring better bullet proof armor? I mean, it's not like people can really dodge bullets, so no matter how light your armor was, you're not going to dodge a bullet, lol. So what's the better answer? Take the bullet, and keep moving :) Brute strength! Force your way through!

KhaOZ 09-20-2006 06:47 PM

And as Kudos said, maybe with the advances in technology, this armor is real light? Who really knows.

Plus, who wouldn't want to be a big bad goalie looking killing machine?

Kudos 09-20-2006 08:33 PM

KhaOZ 09-20-2006 08:36 PM

Kudos 09-20-2006 08:37 PM

hot diggety damn you reply fast.

but actually that stickman would be a funny skin. just have the locusts red stick bodys.

man i want to get a 360 but its either 360, Comp upgrades, or some extra money for when i buy a car...

KhaOZ 09-20-2006 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by Kudos
hot diggety damn you reply fast.

but actually that stickman would be a funny skin. just have the locusts red stick bodys.

man i want to get a 360 but its either 360, Comp upgrades, or some extra money for when i buy a car...

yeah, we were finishing up that File Management System, so I was like rapidly refreshing the main page to check if the new "FILES" button was lined up right, etc. In doing so I see all as they happen :)

Etern.\L 09-26-2006 09:41 AM

Ha, wow I got a pretty good responce. Well Khaoz, you do have a great point. And I do like the look of these guys, the graphic in this game fit well together. It would might a look weird if anything was changed, but I was just pointing out my opinion, I would rather see a big bad ass mother fucker with ripped ass armor running around murdering mfers, rather then a huge suit that contains a guy thats probly 5'5" and weights 100lb's. But like I said it was just a thought.

KhaOZ 09-26-2006 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by Etern.\L
Ha, wow I got a pretty good responce. Well Khaoz, you do have a great point. And I do like the look of these guys, the graphic in this game fit well together. It would might a look weird if anything was changed, but I was just pointing out my opinion, I would rather see a big bad ass mother fucker with ripped ass armor running around murdering mfers, rather then a huge suit that contains a guy thats probly 5'5" and weights 100lb's. But like I said it was just a thought.

lol, true. Judging by some of their necks though, they're thick as football players.

Chu-Fye 10-15-2006 01:00 PM

Dom for me!

xMDKxxx36Ox 10-18-2006 10:10 PM

Multiplayer skin
COG- Undecided
Locust- guy with the long coat

.Endless 10-23-2006 03:46 AM

'COG - Soldier\r\nLocust - One with the red cape thingy majigger... Yes, I just said that.'

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