Fallen Angels

Fallen Angels (http://www.fallenangelsx.com/forums/index.php)
-   Raven Shield (http://www.fallenangelsx.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=10)
-   -   I need everyone to post thier contact information here: (http://www.fallenangelsx.com/forums/showthread.php?t=118)

chyailie 08-20-2006 10:14 PM

IP: power.typefrag.com
Port: 18565
Password: wast3d

Xfire: chyailee

I would also like everyone one that is wanting to stay in RvS division to post thier GUID here for me & PM me your Phone number if you dont mind, please. If you dont want to give your number or dont have a number to give then that is fine too.

I already have most of our numbers . The reason is: Just incase someone is needed & nt to mention they all have my number as well

cyb 08-20-2006 10:17 PM

xfire: cyberp1nk
email: josh.cyb@gmail.com
You know my cell #

cyb 08-20-2006 10:18 PM

Also, if you go to USER-CP and select Edit Profile, there is a place for just about every message program and more. The info will show up on every post.

cyb 08-20-2006 10:26 PM

There's also a place for in the Edit Profile section to put in your RvS GUID, it will also show up in your posts. Like mine does...

chyailie 08-20-2006 10:32 PM

Yea I see that, will it show when we are online for xfire & hotmail?

cyb 08-20-2006 10:34 PM

neg .

no0bmasta 08-20-2006 10:56 PM

you want phone numbers??

SnakeEyes 08-21-2006 03:41 PM

I will get my GUID later tonight for ya Chy chy :)

chyailie 08-23-2006 12:43 PM

Ty Snake, just put it in you Profile

})FA|Killian|WL 08-29-2006 12:33 AM

X-Fire = Killian187

MSN = Killianmdk@hotmail.com

that is all .....

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