Fallen Angels

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cyb 03-18-2007 11:05 AM

demo question
Is there a 3rd party demo viewer out or can you still only view them by having source?

blood 03-18-2007 03:21 PM

as far as i know you need to get source to view it. i'm working on frapsing them for people without source but apparently m$ broke Total Video Converter with its lastest updates.

Windows Movie Maker (which ironically still works) is encoding them now.

They'll go into my putfile account and I'll link you then.

blood 03-18-2007 04:16 PM

Yeah, gonna have to use source. For some reason or another Windows Movie maker isn't working well nor is TVC -- worked fine before that damned Windows "Update"

I hate this OS more and more.

*reboots into Linux and converts the AVIs to .DV with Kino, then transcodes it into a playable xvid AVI.


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