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Originally posted by Scorp:
Been trying to get back into CS and I found my old configuration for whoever wants to use it. Not sure if all these cmds still work but basically it does a few things. Removes all unwanted graphics while keeping quality. Tweaks the netcode for high quality servers w/ 100 tick rate. Tweaks the interface. And has several binds that IMO are vital. Written response below Config Quote: // Scorps Configuration // Grenade Configuration bind e "use weapon_hegrenade" bind f "use weapon_flashbang" bind c "use weapon_smokegrenade" // Ammo Configuration bind LEFTARROW "buyammo1" bind RIGHTARROW "buyammo2" // Set Mouse Configuration cl_crosshairalpha 99999 cl_crosshairusealpha 1 cl_crosshaircolor 2 cl_dynamiccrosshair 0 // _Set Visual Settings_ cl_detaildist 2500 cl_detailfade 0 cl_drawmonitors "0" cl_c4dynamiclight "1" cl_ejectbrass 0 cl_show_splashes 0 cl_phys_props_enable 0 cl_phys_timescale 0 cl_phys_props_max 0 cl_ragdoll_collide 0 cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 0 cl_smooth 1 func_break_max_pieces 0 func_breakdmg_bullet 0 func_breakdmg_club 0 func_breakdmg_explosive 0 mat_clipz 0 mat_forceaniso 0 mat_bufferprimitives 0 mat_specular 0 mat_bumpmap 0 mp_decals 100 props_break_max_pieces "0" rope_averagelight 0 rope_smooth 0 rope_subdiv 0 rope_wind_dist 0 r_decal_cullsize 0 // allows for larger bullet holes r_drawflecks 0 r_drawdetailprops 0 r_drawmodeldecals 0 r_dynamic "1" r_eyesize "0" r_eyeshift_z "0" r_eyeshift_y "0" r_eyeshift_x "0" r_eyemove "0" r_eyes "0" r_eyegloss "0" r_fastzreject 1 r_occlusion "0" r_propsmaxdist "0" r_renderoverlayfragment "0" r_shadows "1" // allows seeing of player shadows r_teeth 0 r_waterdrawreflection "0" r_waterforceexpensive "0" r_3dsky "0" // _Set budget_ budget_averages_window 30 budget_background_alpha 128 budget_bargraph_background_alpha 128 budget_bargraph_range_ms 16.6666666667 budget_history_numsamplesvisible 100 budget_history_range_ms 66.666666667 budget_panel_bottom_of_history_fraction .25 budget_panel_height 384 budget_panel_width 512 budget_panel_x 0 budget_panel_y 50 budget_peaks_window 30 budget_show_averages 0 budget_show_history 0 budget_show_peaks 1 developer 0 // _Set netcode settings_ cl_allowdownload "1" cl_allowupload "1" cl_cmdbackup "2" cl_smooth 1 cl_smoothertime 0 cl_cmdrate "101" cl_interp ".0099009900990099" cl_interp_npcs "0" cl_interpolate "1" cl_lagcomp_errorcheck "1" cl_lagcompensation "1" cl_predict "1" cl_updaterate "101" cl_rate "20000" cl_resend "6" cl_timeout "20" cl_upspeed "320" rate "25000" // _Set processing settings_ // _transfers load from GPU to CPU to boost performance_ r_3dnow 1 r_mmx 1 r_sse 1 r_sse2 1 fps_max 121 mat_monitorgamma "1.6" // _Set audio settings_ // _corrects audio synchronization_ snd_mixahead .1 soundscape_flush soundscape_fadetime 99999999999999999 dsp_enhance_stereo "1" cl_downloadfilter "nosounds" // _Set violence settings_ // _increases blood to help you see hits better_ violence_ablood 1 violence_agibs 1 violence_hblood 1 violence_hgibs 1 cl_show_bloodspray "1" // Set User Interface hud_fastswitch 1 zoom_sensitivity_ratio 1.2 showhitlocation 1 net_graph 3 // _Other settings_ closecaption "0" jpeg_quality "100" sv_forcepreload "1" // Senstivity sensitivity 2 // Binds alias yay say "www.fallenangelsx.com #team.fa" bind b "yay" bind x "admin" // Name Blood if you would add/remove anything from this config what would it be? Critique please. Also if there's something else we could throw in there or change to run higher fps please let me know. I say this because when i first began to play I ran like 170 fps now i run like 70, i dunno if i need to update my drivers or do something with my comp. If you have any input on that please let me know also, ty. ps. I already discarded things like the binds and ammo |
170 to 70 is probably spyware/viruses n shiz dude. that's QUITE a drop. what anti-virus and anti-spyware do you use?
What to remove:
bind x "admin" bind LEFTARROW "buyammo1" bind RIGHTARROW "buyammo2" cl_cmdbackup "2" [these are auto-enabled] r_3dnow 1 r_mmx 1 r_sse 1 r_sse2 1 What to change: <all the rate codes like i was tryin' to tell ya need to match your ISP> sensitivity 2 alias yay say "www.fallenangelsx.com #team.fa" bind b "yay" |
Yeah I found a good site that list what commands u should use for ur internet connection. But I use SBC Yahoo virus/spyware shit. my dads always going on porn and getting viruses and shit so I wouldnt doubt if there is things fucking with my comp.
Well, all your net code should be relatively the same. Unless your on like a 56k it will mostly just depend on the server. I'll list the important stuff.
cl_cmdbackup "2" Backup packets send by the client cl_cmdrate "101" This is the number of packets you are sending from your computer cl_interp ".0099009900990099" This should be 1/updaterate since update rate is 101 it comes out to this number cl_updaterate "101" Number of packets being recieved from the server. On a good server, this should never change. 101 is highest servers will allow. cl_rate "20000" Number of packets sent in each "pack" Basically how much information you are sending, this should never change. rate "25000" Number of packets being sent from the server, this should never change. ----------- Now, if you are getting choke, you are recieving too many packets. If that is the case, lower your update rate, and change your interp accordingly. For instance, change cl_updaterate 60 and cl_interp .01666666 (1/60) if you are going on a shitty server. If you are getting loss, you are sending too many packets and the server cannot recieve them all. Lower cl_cmdrate and decrease your cl_rate. --------- As for graphic things you can ommit, there are alot, but I wouldn't recommend them. r_shadows 1 allows you to see shadows, if you ommit that it will hinder you. Alot of the other graphics things that are turned on allow you to see sparks from guns or formed shadows, which will help you alot. r_lod will effect your graphics alot I think it distorts the hit boxes too much if you change to r_lod 1 or r_lod 0 or -1 or -2, try it out for yourself. cl_detaildist 2500 cl_detailfade 0 Allows you to see distant objects clearer. Important if you want to get accurate shots. |
these are no longer valid:
bind LEFTARROW "buyammo1" bind RIGHTARROW "buyammo2" cl_cmdbackup "2" these are auto-enabled, thus not needed to be executed: r_3dnow 1 r_mmx 1 r_sse 1 r_sse2 1 wtf?: bind x "admin" <--mani? as far as rates. you had cable, right scorp? aDSL and cable are apples and oranges. the upload and download mix, which really sucks :/ but, yeah, even at max it doesn't take all that much internet usage. the problem, however, is vent + CS:S + w/e else all going down the same line. some adjustments dont hurt. a speed test that uses both would be optimal for finding t3h aDSL rates to be used. or simply spend a scrim fuckin' around with em. |
Ya the "x" was for mani
The CS tech guys I have talked to in the past have always said that once you get to a certain speed the cl_cmdrate won't matter anymore because servers are only capable of going to 100 packets. This speed was met some 7 or 8 years ago DSL and cable shouldn't matter. The 101 is for the additional packet you are sending for the error check. the cl_updaterate 101 and cl_interp .009900990099will be optimal on 100 tick servers. cl_updaterate 60 and cl_interp .0166666 is for 60 tick servers. I am sure that there are ways to tweak the netcode more accurately but you would have to change your settings every time you changed servers, or your connection was a little slower, or whatever the case may be, and it would give you headaches thinking about it. As for DSL versus cable. DSL is typically slower but has a more stable connection, where cable loses packets, in general. That being the case, if your having problems with choke or loss I would recommend decreasing your cl_rate and rate if you have cable, so the packet loss is less noticeable. In the END, we are talking about very small differences. The main thing is to make sure your cl_interp and cl_updaterate are set at cl_interp = 1/cl_updaterate |
'spose. I was talkin' for our server (where we play most), but yes that makes sense.
all a bunch of fuckin mumbo jumbo shit to me. y cant they just make a game that doenst have to be complicated and u can change simple desirable shit in game options.....
Yeah I'm with the Herminator on that one. Its some BS how you can change everything to make your "reg" the best....bs But one more Q for Scorp. Whenever I use your config, i take out the binds and what not but I have to change my keyboard setting evreytime since theres isnt a way for a buy menu, nothing for defusing bomb/opening doors/and no crouch. So its kind of a pain in the ass to do that evrytime. But props that is a nice config.
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