Fallen Angels

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-   -   Dust2 strats and some odds and ends (http://www.fallenangelsx.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2576)

Sc0rPi0n 04-12-2007 12:57 AM

Dust2 strats and some odds and ends
Anyone not know our strats from a few seasons back? They should be on the CS:S strats page. Check out the Quick Strat Guide, that should help you out alot if your new to scrimming/matching. Also, D2 strat should be there somewhere, if not i'll find it in our old forums.

Basically its simple, 2 go B tunnels, smoke mid flash over wall mid.

3 set up at long A. Flash over the wall, flash off box, one holds corner, other comes out and gets pit, 2 go back to cat 1 stays at long A.

At this point there should be 2 lower B tunnels and 2 near cat.

1 smokes mid, 4 nades onto cat, 1 flash over the wall at middle. I'll lead taking cat, will flash over the wall and push in. The one guy at long A then picks off CT's guarding cat. A should be clean.

Anyways, i'll go over all the little details in game. Or just find the D2 strat I go over in detail there.

uncloned 04-12-2007 08:16 AM

why is this public information ?

and what does "dust2" mean? I am not familiar with this concept.

sWeepstar 04-12-2007 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by uncloned
why is this public information ?

and what does "dust2" mean? I am not familiar with this concept.

Agree with the first part but ROFL on the second...

Sc0rPi0n 04-12-2007 04:23 PM

Doesn't matter if its public info or not

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