Fallen Angels

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-   -   Your upcoming schedule... (http://www.fallenangelsx.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3683)

XBXAXTXMXAXNX 09-20-2007 10:11 PM

Your upcoming schedule...
If you could post a schedule for the next week or two that would be cool. Mine is next week off, then first week of october I'm working 5:15 - 9:45 Tuesday Friday and Saturday...

NvizioN 09-21-2007 12:20 AM

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturdays, I work 2-6 Mountain Time. :).
Next week, I got the 25th-27th off for the Halo launch.

XBXAXTXMXAXNX 09-21-2007 06:49 AM

ok, so you only have wednesday and sundays off?

NvizioN 09-21-2007 12:11 PM

For now.
But I can still get on every night from 6 until well beyond midnight.

XBXAXTXMXAXNX 09-21-2007 08:42 PM

oh, so its 2 pm to 6 pm?

NvizioN 09-22-2007 02:35 AM

So it's no biggie.
And like I said before, I got Tuesday-Thursday off next week too.

XBXAXTXMXAXNX 09-22-2007 09:17 AM

I need everyone's schedule, I need to see when we can get the most people in one game

eighteesix / Killya 09-22-2007 12:05 PM

depends. im usually around most afternoons-evenings

XBXAXTXMXAXNX 09-23-2007 10:30 AM

ok, still need gundevil's... I'm kinda giving up on messiah as leader...

eighteesix / Killya 09-23-2007 03:17 PM

yeah he removed me as a friend. and therefore is removed from the division obviously.

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