Well, all your net code should be relatively the same. Unless your on like a 56k it will mostly just depend on the server. I'll list the important stuff.
cl_cmdbackup "2"
Backup packets send by the client
cl_cmdrate "101"
This is the number of packets you are sending from your computer
cl_interp ".0099009900990099"
This should be 1/updaterate since update rate is 101 it comes out to this number
cl_updaterate "101"
Number of packets being recieved from the server. On a good server, this should never change. 101 is highest servers will allow.
cl_rate "20000"
Number of packets sent in each "pack" Basically how much information you are sending, this should never change.
rate "25000"
Number of packets being sent from the server, this should never change.
Now, if you are getting choke, you are recieving too many packets. If that is the case, lower your update rate, and change your interp accordingly. For instance, change cl_updaterate 60 and cl_interp .01666666 (1/60) if you are going on a shitty server.
If you are getting loss, you are sending too many packets and the server cannot recieve them all. Lower cl_cmdrate and decrease your cl_rate.
As for graphic things you can ommit, there are alot, but I wouldn't recommend them. r_shadows 1 allows you to see shadows, if you ommit that it will hinder you. Alot of the other graphics things that are turned on allow you to see sparks from guns or formed shadows, which will help you alot.
r_lod will effect your graphics alot I think it distorts the hit boxes too much if you change to r_lod 1 or r_lod 0 or -1 or -2, try it out for yourself.
cl_detaildist 2500
cl_detailfade 0
Allows you to see distant objects clearer. Important if you want to get accurate shots.