Thread: Critique
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Old 03-21-2007, 07:08 PM   #6  
blood is
Posts: n/a

these are no longer valid:
bind LEFTARROW "buyammo1"
bind RIGHTARROW "buyammo2"
cl_cmdbackup "2"

these are auto-enabled, thus not needed to be executed:
r_3dnow 1
r_mmx 1
r_sse 1
r_sse2 1

wtf?: bind x "admin" <--mani?

as far as rates. you had cable, right scorp? aDSL and cable are apples and oranges. the upload and download mix, which really sucks :/ but, yeah, even at max it doesn't take all that much internet usage. the problem, however, is vent + CS:S + w/e else all going down the same line. some adjustments dont hurt. a speed test that uses both would be optimal for finding t3h aDSL rates to be used. or simply spend a scrim fuckin' around with em.
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