Thread: Cobra
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Old 03-29-2007, 12:53 AM   #3  
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Posts: 116

lol 'word'

Not too much buddy, kinda relaxin and was really hopin to move back to MI so I could go back to work, but everything didn't go as planned so I'm stuck in SC for a while. But whatever, its cool.

As for the whole CS and CAL thing, I gave that to the admins. Apparently, my log has been "tampered" with, as the CAL AC guy says. But I never tampered with anything, and I still stand by on what I said, and which never used anything. Never have and never would in a competetive way. But I can't say I've never experimented with them.

So thats where Im at pretty much, other than that just been playing css, and wow with my brother.

So, whats up?