Thread: Cobra
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Old 03-29-2007, 06:06 PM   #9  
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As I said, I've never used anything to compromise a match out turn in any competition i've ever played and never will.

Wether it looks blatant to people or not I never used anything in that match, or any match period, I have used them in Pub servers, as I said I created some things to toy with.

Im not looking to be 'defended' or anything. But I still stand by what I said. Also in the log, he states that it 'was not me' playing in that match, as none of the tracers match, my ip, my mac address, nothing.

Hence why I was asked after the match why I had not spoken a word on ventrilo, because I was not playing. I asked a friend of mine to play for me, and got skoob to play for lhurg so he could get some sleep. I'm sure you can verify with CAL that it wasn't me playing.

Regardless, rather it was me or not, it was my account being used, and my steamid. I take full blame for that, but I seriously don't need hacks to play any game. So as I said, I'll take the blame as its my account, and I'm not really worried about it. I Haven't used hacks in a competetive state, but I can't say rather or not my friend did. I've watched the demos and yes, it's pretty obvious that there is some kind of wallhack, or an 'esp' hack of some sort.

Like I said I wasn't asking for anyone to 'defend' me in any way, im quite capable of doing so myself. But I won't defend myself against something I never did. I can only take the blame for it.

Good-day sirs.