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Old 09-14-2006, 11:37 AM   #16  
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Wicked Sick!
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I am sad to hear this although could you imagine living in iraq or any of those countries where you are just sitting with your family and a missle comes in the window. Or try this on having holiday with your family and a warlord and his men come and wipe out all the ppl there because they said something agianst him/her. I do feel for the situation but well we really do have huge amounts of ppl in other country's being killed by the thousands. Put your self in there shoes and this seems alot smaller and could have been much worse. Like some crazy person bombing the whole damn place not trying to minimize this at all just pointing out what goes on everyday in this crazy world. If the US military was in canadas back yard I think you would have some real big problems. Just wanted to add that in cause i see all this stuff on these forums. I never see stuff about Huge mass killings that are happening everyday around the world. I hope evryone that is able to ok is and sorry to hear about this. Come to Detroit some time I will show you a good ole time. I don't live there for a reason lol.
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