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help with a new OS
Old 09-18-2006, 02:12 PM   #1  
Max Sterling
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Default help with a new OS

Im thinking about installing a different OS on my old computer. About 5 years back I installed red hat (6 or 7?) on my computer with a partition just to check it out.. but i could never get the drivers for my DSL modem to work.. and my net company had no support for linux.. so i never really used it other then to play around a little.

but now i have two computers and my old one mostly sits there.. so i want to dive into a different OS again. I have done some studying and have sorta narrowed it down to three options (but i would be willing to look at others.. such as fedora)


Im wondering if anyone has any experience with these OS's and which would be best for a semi-n00b like myself. I am leaning towards SUSE but im open to suggestions... and my least favorite is FreeBSD just because it seems to be more geared towards developers/programers/scientists and im not really any of those.

One thing im confused about.. why is the ubuntu .iso 696MB and it fits on one disc.. while the openSUSE .iso is either 6 CDs or 1 DVD as far as i can tell they both seem very similar in software packages

anyway.. any guidance would be helpful. For the most part this is just a project.. something to get my feet wet with.. in all actuality the system wont be used for anything important
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