Fallen Angels: Bridge Crossing Video
Good evening, your probably wondering what this Thread is about. Simple, we (FA) will be realeasing a movie on what we do best. And thats playing AA. The movie will be in my mind about 7:00 minutes long. It's going to be a video involving a storyline, i chose Bridge Crossing for this because its simple to make a story into.
Story Line: Basicly it will be what the mission is, getting across the bridge or defeating all the enemys in a certain amount of time, in this case about 7 to 8 minutes.
Characters:So who is going to be playing in the video, well this is why im coming to you guys, i need your help with this. And hopefully in the end we can realease something of good quality.
US Army: So basicly the characters in this are going to be the Sarg or Leutenant and his men trying to get across the bridge and defeat the opposing team. This movie is going to portray alot of men being killed in action and the team work the Squad used to win.
Oposing Forces: They are basicly going to be whats stopping the Army for getting to there objective, showing no mercy killing any Infedel they incounter. Simple as that.
What im looking for is....
2 or 3 other camera men
And people who ARE WILLING NOT TO FUCK AROUND! I gave up on the last project simply because people where fucking around and shooting eachother when told not to. So you have to co-operate and not screw around if you do fuck around your kicked from the project.
Im debating on it involving some sort of script that can be recorded on Vent or something, or just a silent film involving music and Sound FX.
I hope to get all of you to participate in this and put out something great.