Originally Posted by Hell 0n Wheels
Yeah i remember that man... those were the good times. We were old school FA. I def miss that and wish it was like that now. That was the old days when i sucked. Now look at me now:), lol.....
Please please please tell me that was a typo when you said you were old school FA.Unless your under a different alias, that comment would be a majjooooor overstatement.I've been on FA since early 05 and I don't consider myself oldschool and its damn near 08'.But thats beside the point.You guys havent been a division damn near a year and a half yet and your looking back on your good times?
FA-RS-V isnt a true FA Division because if you were, every time I'd be looking on these forums and I'd be seeing improvement within the division and I've failed to see that yet. I should be seeing more competitiveness* between all of you but I dont.Your players come and go and as far as I see it theres no stability.Find some of the true old schoolers of FA|RVS ask Rathious,Maverick,Freeman,Irieman,Renegade.The list goes on and on...They would know the true meaning of old school and the true meaning of an FA Division.On the ladders for FA|RVS we were number 1.Not just for 2 days but for weeks, I think maybe months even.We stayed at the top because thats where we wanted to be.I was lucky enough to be part of a division like that. Teams come and go as well as players but damn you guys are a fairly new division and I don't even want to know how many people you've gone through yet. I could put money down that if FA|RVS division had to come up against yours it would be no competition,add that to the fact that we have no prior rs-v experience.Not because we are better but because we know what it takes to stick together as a team.We knew how to communicate, we knew how to work together and overcome.
I'm not trying to say I'm better than you nor that the FA|RVS is either at all. I would hope you read this and take this as inspiration to rebuild this division like it truly should be.Commitment,Teamwork,Determination.Those 3 things right there gentlemen are the essentials to creating a great division. The skills will come later.Shit for my first 6 months I was on dial up and when I got my dsl it was whole other story.We ran shit...Point blank.And so should you...I wish you the best of luck guys and I hope you can prove to all of us that Fallen Angels has what it takes to still be the best.
| Ret.Mercenary| Darkstar|FA|RVS
Yall should just stickie the fuck out of this for some damn inspiration