Train hard. Fight easy.
Seeing that Emergence day is imminent I have taken it upon myself to create this here thread to try to put together a training program for war on Sera.
I realise that many of you have lives outside of the Fallen Angels, this might entail jobs, studies, girlfriends/wives. Also, some of us might live in another corner of the globe meaning they are in different timezones.
This thread is to list such things and to determine availability of each squadmember to commit to training.
An untrained team is a losing team.
So before we can schedule trainingsessions (hell, the game ain't even out yet) we need to determine each members availability.
I for one, reside in the Netherlands, which means I'm in a different timezone than most of you. I'm willing to compensate and adapt for that.
Now then. List your timezone and more importantly the times/dates you're absolutely able to commit to training.
I'm central european time +1, and I can be available daily. For me it depends on where the majority of members come from. I'll adapt to their schedules.
See you on the killingfields.
Last edited by RussoPrimera : 10-30-2006 at 02:42 PM.