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Old 01-20-2007, 03:55 PM   #1  
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Will i be needing a x-box 360 to play with you guys or can i play with you guys using the ps3? Just curious if the game is cross system compatible or if they have seperate servers for the 360 and the ps3? I am buying a new console next friday and would be intrested in joining the division. Have to get the new system for the new 51" hdtv going in the family room lol. Just curious and wanted to know one other thing can you get a HDMI plug for the 360 or is it component only hook up? Other then that i will be ready to start practicing whenever.

PS thx in advance guys.
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Old 01-20-2007, 04:20 PM   #2  
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The only way to get 1080p out of the 360 is through the 360 VGA cables. So if your new TV has vga input then you are golden.

As for the cross console question, all xbox live games go through xbox live. Therefore no PS3 games will be cross console.

Hope you get an 360!

If you have any other 360 related questions feel free to ask
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Old 01-20-2007, 04:24 PM   #3  
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So I understand you are prolly a little bias to 360 but what would you do i mean i am not opposed to the 360 but have they fixed the starting on fire issue? Next question how would it look in HDMI or component? or should i run it on my wide screen HDTV through the vga port. one thing on the vga port it has a 1024x768 native res for some reason. I can run it higher on my desktop when i have it on my pc but will it make a difference you think? I mean i wan tit to look the best it can you know. I am long time pc gamer and graphics mean alot to me.
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Old 01-20-2007, 05:41 PM   #4  
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you've been hanging out at the ps3 forums too much if you think the 360's catch on fire... they dont. xbox 360 looks fine in component or VGA whichever you choose, i use VGA with a monitor since i dont have access to a HDTV. Widescreen monitor or TV is recommended tho for the best experience because everygame is made for widescreen and some games have issues displaying in non widescreen (16:9) resolutions. i run mine at 1280x1024 but its only a 4:3 19inch monitor but vegas does look fine and it puts widescreen bars so the game doesnt stretch.
If graphics mean alot to you go with the 360 because the 360 has the best graphics out right now and PS3 can't compete with its first gen games vs 360's second gen games...
And if your thinking about longterm graphics... the PS3 has a potentially faster processor but the 360's graphics card is better then the PS3's, and last time i checked graphics cards are what make the graphics good
V-Dub in da hauss!
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Old 01-20-2007, 05:42 PM   #5  
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By the way if you like the whole community aspect of games... It doesn't get any better then Xbox Live... everyone will have mic and high speed broadband and getting invited to a game is very easy with just 2 buttons pressed. If you like online gaming the 360 is the way to go.
V-Dub in da hauss!
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Old 01-20-2007, 06:58 PM   #6  
Fallen JeStEr
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hey rathious,
I can not help you with an technical questions but wood and punker I think answered them. My opionion on the 360 or ps3 would be what do you like?
They both basically have the same graphics but xbox live is amazing. Yeah you have to pay 50 bucks a year but that is just like buying a game. Xbox live has a message system, downloading capabilities, friends list, everyone has to have high speed internet. I would recommend getting a 360 over the ps3 but don't buy a 360 just for this clan. You should weigh the pros and cons of both and decide. I don't much about ps3, my one friend has one and I only saw him play it when I was drunk. It looked cool but I couldn't tell you the pros of it.

The rumors about the 360 breaking is BS. Microsoft just extended the warranty to 2 years, so I am pretty sure you get a free 2 year warranty. I got the orginial xbox the first christmas it came out and I have never had a problem with it, still to this day. Xbox also gave me a new improved power cord for it for free because of overheating problems.

The last point I want to make is that Bill Gates owns microsoft which means xbox will never go bankrupt and stop making games for the 360 or shut down xbox live or any other thing. I would be worried if I bought any ninentendo product. This is just my opionion. but Sony is in no financial crisis either so flip a coin, j/k.
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Old 01-20-2007, 09:00 PM   #7  
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Wow rathious, how missinformed you are bro. I had a PS3 and that baby went on ebay right away. 360s don't start on fire, lol. You think they'd sell 10 million of them without lawsuit if they did? Trust me. Analysts expect the PS3 to be dead by 2009. Don't invest your money in Dreamcast2, cause the PS3 is about to go out like the Dreamcast. The 360 has the better hardware and better graphics, lower price point, they don't force you to buy BluRay(which is losing the war to HD-DVD), it has way better online play with LIVE, the PS3 has almost nothing to offer that even compares. Microsoft has dozens of Exclusive titles that the PS3 will never get, but most of the PS3 exclusives are going 360.

I grew up a die hard Sega fan, and was pretty into Playstation1 and somewhat PS2, and even have a PSP, but as a gaming fanatic who reads dozens of articles a day from many analysts, game developers, etc etc, I can cleanly say that the 360 is the superior machine. Valve(guys who make Half Life) even came out and said the PS3 is a disaster, and that Sony needs to Scrap the PS3 and start over. ID(guys who do doom, quake, etc) even go on and on about how much nicer the 360 is. The only reason anyone is buying a PS3 is because they're blind fanboys who have the money to waste. If Sony firing their top 2 guys incharge of the PS3 isn't sign that things have gone horribly wrong, then Kojima(Maker of Metal Gear Solid) saying that after MGS4 he wont be making anymore PS3 games should give you some idea.

The First batch of 360s had issues, MS admited it and replaced them with no cost to the consumer. Free shipping both ways, and free games and things to those who had to wait too long. Since then, the 360s have been extremely reliable. Anyone who says otherwise is either talking out his ass, or a Sony fanboy making up BS.
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Old 01-20-2007, 09:06 PM   #8  
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Oh, and it's already been said, but the 360 allows you to change resolution to what ever you want. So you can make it 1080p with the VGA cable, or 720p with it as well. It's like a PC, it has a dozen different resolutions to pick from that it'll output.

I personally run my 360 into my HDTV using the VGA cable. It looks amazing and sharp. I run my PC into my HDTV using the DVI/HDMI input, which also looks great.

There is talk that MS will release an adapter that will allow an HDMI output from the 360, but video enthusiests say that unless you have a 1080P samsung or better, that has been calibrated by a samsung technitian and is playing an HD-DVD in a properly lit room, etc etc, their list of shit goes on and on, they say you will never notice the difference. They say, it adds up to talk. One company claiming you need this to get the best picture, even if it doesn't really matter, so that they can get more money from the consumers. If your HDTV has VGA input, just use that, and don't fall into the money trap.
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Old 01-20-2007, 09:40 PM   #9  
Fallen JeStEr
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Very Nice, Very Nice. HIGH-FIVE!
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Old 01-20-2007, 09:37 PM   #10  
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to calibrate TV's its an easy test included on some DVD's, one i know of is Star Wars Revenge of the Sith Episode 3.
The one thing i saw about a PS3 that I thought was bad is I remember not being able to find a 360 in stores till about march. This past week I went to EBGames and they had 5 PS3 60 gig units and 2 PS3 20 gig units and i asked the chinese guy and he told me that they have been sitting there for a couple weeks....
friends dont let friends buy sony products

btw samsung is the new sony
V-Dub in da hauss!
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