there was balance in the game if you knew how to play
some people would "zerg" you with zerglings...whooptydo, if you were good you could defend against such things zerglings had shit for hitpoints and went down easy they just tore up tanks and stuff, and to be good you had to play alot, so i can see how if you played once or twice it would be hard to pickup, but every RTS game ive played is just like SC, you gain resources, build buildings, make units, go forth and pwn face....fits the bill to me......SC2 should be interesting, but the one im waiting to spend most of my time playing is D2, its just gonna take forever for them to release the damn thing and hopefully it doesnt turn into that Starcraft Ghost game they never released for the gamecube or some shit, anyone remember that being "under development" but whatever sometimes next year after the wow expansion has been out for awhile we will start seeing these other games, oh btw, blizzard is working on a new MMO to come out in the next couple years, i wonder what it will be, better Diablo game maybe, i really dont wanna run around in the SC universe at this point
FA Join Date-11/05/2000 WoW Guild.
When I was a noob, I spake as a noob, I understood as a noob, I thought as a noob: but when I became pr0, I put away noobish things.