04-01-2007, 11:03 AM
Wicked Sick!
skoob is
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Tempe, AZ
Posts: 489
Originally Posted by KhaoZ
A) It could be with the unrest in the world today. Iran, Iraq, N Korea, Afghanistan, Syria
B) Everyone called this war. Anyone with half a brain to see what was obvious anyway. I do see it being the Brits on the front though, and us in the support, which is good IMO since we don't need to lead every war on this planet ffs.
C) As well as Turkey and all Nato bases in that region.
On a side note though Skoob, what are you going to do now that the Air Force isn't accepting officers like they used to? They're cutting 40,000 AirForce as well as reducing AF Officers down to just 9,000 total. Bush has overspent by far, and the Air Force is suffering for it. Most places are at 70% manning as is, before the 40,000 cut. It's pretty rediculous. They are allowing people to go to the Army though. Army is always open, but it's broke as shit too.
This captain who just came back from Iraq was saying over there they put you into hooches, which normally fit like 5 people max, but with the Army they're packing 10 and 11 people into 1 because of lack of funds. The Army doesn't have enough vehicles either, so people will spend months doing nothing but going to work, and going back to their stuffed tent, with nothing else between. That Moral overall is getting pretty low because of these things.
So what are your plans?
My plans are to continue being better than everybody else, so it doesn't matter how many positions there are, they still need me.
I have the leadership and direction the USAF needs plain and simple.