Originally Posted by RavenBeef
I'm glad the blame didn't get thrown back at me, since I didn't even state my own opinion about this.
I posted this on the IUE5 forums, and got loads of stuff for it.
The truth is, I do agree with it. (It being gun freedom)
If everyone and their mother owned a gun, there would be less murders. Think about it. Only about 5% of americans are evil to this point. That means 95% of us would use guns rightly. And if everyone knew that someone else had a firearm, no one would want to murder anyone else. It's like you being a criminal, and you're walking about a world of cops, and everyone else, besides you, is a cop. Would you be foolish to shoot someone knowing he had a gun, and would surely shoot you?
Even the threat of power, has power. (Let someone guess which quote this one came from) Think of a counter strike world. Say 10 people are comming at you with a knife, and you've got an ak. Who wins 90% of the time? (Assuming you're a good aim.)
Also, another stat that isn't seen is the one about knifes. There is an FBI stat which shows the deaths from knives is higher then that of any gun. The weapon of choice for the gangs is a knife. Not a gun like most people think from watching the movies. The media chooses to only show us time, after time, after time the horrible crimes guns can cause. Not knives.
Evil people are the problem. Not the guns. Gun control only makes US citizens less safe. Because, like drugs, guns can't be under 100% control. So, if no police has a gun, no person has one, then the the luck guy who got his ak-47, and a 50 round clip (No bashing the 50 round clip lol) is a god, because no one else can stop him.
And lets say, you can go back in time, and disinvent guns. History shows man's brutal behavior, and wars, and crimes will get started, no matter how much control you have.
True, some people say, "No one with a knife will murder 10 people in one day"
Well, how do we know this? Have there been reports on this? Can you trust the media to tell you everything? (That's NOT a conspiracy about the government statement.) Once again, if these mass muder scenes, like schools, and Virginia tech, if all those students had guns, don't you think the death could would have been lower?
Contries don't attack one another now (Unless you're Iraq) because all the contries, espcially the major world powers, know the other has not only a deadly army, and military force, but a nuclear arsenal. This threat of power has brougt peace. Everyone knows if you bomb the us, you'll get get hit hard back. So, as long as everyone is equaly matched, no one will attack, not unless another reason comes into play. (That's another story)