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To the computer savy people
Old 09-27-2007, 04:12 PM   #1  
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Default To the computer savy people

Having a bit of a problem here, maybe people better with computers will be able to give me an explanation and possible solution to this.

About two days ago, i woke up and turned on my computer, only to come back in my room and find that some of the start up files were missing, I Tried windows recovery by copying those files back to the hard drive, but nothing worked, then after a few reboots It would get to the part where it detected all my drives and just hang up there. Now at this point i know the problem is either the hard drive, or the hard drive controller, so i went to best buy and talked to some people to confirm this and looked at prices for new hard drives. When i got home, for some reason i was able to boot up and reformat and everything ran fine for a couple of days.

Now today, while my computer is running i go to open some programs and they all just freeze, so i reboot my computer and it starts hanging up on the same screen. I haven't yet replaced the hard drive, but this is the second one I've used in the computer and its fucked itself both times.

What I'm wondering from you guys is if A, it is a problem with the hard drive, and maybe a simple purchase of a new one and starting fresh will fix it or B if its the hard drive controller on the mother board and if that is the case then can someone give me some info on this cause i have very little knowledge about it.

thanks in advance,
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